Saturday, May 13, 2006

Women's Farewell Gathering for the Tulsa City Church Women is on Friday, May 26th at 7pm!!!

All women are encouraged to come to this gathering to say farewell to our ACC sisters that are going to Tulsa. There will be coffee, tea and sweets to eat as we fellowship. We will also be signing women up for various opportunities to serve in ACC's womens ministry. The gathering will be held in the Prayer Room. Please register at the information table in the lobby or by calling the church office at 344-2141. There is no charge for this event.

Special Offering for Tulsa City Church on May 21st!!!

ACC will be having a special offering for the Tulsa City Church Team on Sunday, May 21st at both services. Please be in prayer as to how much to give. ACC wants to send this team off with an abundance to help them start their new church.

Celebrate Alaska takes place on Saturday, May 20th

All are welcome to attend this wonderful event. Celebrate Alaska is a gathering of native Alaskans and others who join together to celebrate the rich history of this great state. The festivities start at 4pm with a potlatch, and continue on with prayer for elders, native dance and worship as well as a special message for Alaska at 7:30 pm. For more information, please call the church office at 344-2141.

ACC's 2006/07 Roster Update Forms are Available

We are in the process of putting together our new church family roster. If you would like to be listed in the roster, or if any of your information has changed, please pick up a yellow form from an Usher or at the information table.

Thank you to all the volunteers who made the Bike Blessing event a success!!! We appreciate your hard work!