Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Invest in Your Marriage This Fall

Our friends at Abbott Loop Community Church are sponsoring The Marriage Course for eight Tuesday evenings from 6:15 to 9:00 PM starting September 12. A light dinner each evening, childcare and course materials are included in the $50 fee. Pre-register with John or Janet Beier at 522-8542 or at ALCC.

Already been on the course? Pass this on to a friend or family member. This course is for all kinds of marriages: good marriages, not-so-good marriages, and marriages that need help. Read what couples who have been on the course say about it.

The course covers the following topics:

Tue Sept 12 Building Strong Foundations
Tue Sept 19 The Art of Communication
Tue Sept 26 Resolving Conflict
Tue Oct 3 The Power of Forgiveness
Tue Oct 10 Parents and In-Laws
Tue Oct 17 Sexual intimacy
Tue Oct 24 Love in Action
Tue Nov 7 The Marriage Course Supper

Listen to an interview (MP3, 2:24) with John Beier about the course >>>

For additional information on the course see our calendar event page for September 12.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Love Inc. will hold a community meeting on September 8th

Do you have a heart for people in need? If you do then please come to the public forum meeting on:

Friday September 8th from 6-8pm
at the Loussac Library in Anchorage
Love INC is an organization that is dedicated to mobilizing local churches and ministries in serving together for the transformation of lives and communities in the Name of Christ. The Love INC model enables churches in a community to pool their resources and services so that those in need are not turned away.
Please join us to find out how you can become an integral part of this organization. To find out more about Love INC go to http://www.loveinc.org

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Working Women's Bible Study - Starts September 7th

Come learn the "Six Basics of a Balanced Life" and add order to your life as you juggle studying the Word, family and work! There will be plenty of food, fun and fellowship. The study takes place from 5:30-7:30 pm on the first and third Thursdays at Bonnie Winter's house located at 3801 Amber Bay Loop:

Directions from ACC:
Take 100th to Bayshore Drive and take a left.
Turn right onto Admiralty Bay Drive,
Turn Right onto CHiniak Bay Drive.
Turn left onto Amber Bay Loop.

Bonnie's number is 522-3537.

The second study on September 21st will take place at Helen Hardin's home. Please call her at 274-3582 for directions. All other studies will take place at Bonnie's home. Please sign up for this study at the information booth, or call the church office at 344-2141.

Ordination of Mary Glazier - Aug 19th at 2pm in the ACC Auditorium

Everyone is invited to the Ordination Celebration of Mary Glazier. She is the founder and president of Windwalkers International. A Haida Indian born in Ketchikan, Alaska, Mary was nurtured in her early faith by the Salvation Army. In 1971 she received a life transforming baptism of the Holy Spirit and has since been a powerful instrument in the hands of God. Her Ministry, Windwalkers International was birthed by the Holy Spirit in 1990.

Mary is an active member of the Anchorage Evangelical Pastors Fellowship, a network of over 90 pastors in Anchorage, Alaska. God has used her internationally to instruct and lead on the subject of spiritual warfare. She currently works with Cindy Jacobs and Chuck Pierce on the U.S. Strategic Prayer Network and on the Mission America National Committee. Mary also serves as an advisor for the International Reconciliation Coalition.

HIPPA Forces Changes in Hospital Procedures

If you are hospitalized, the hospital staff are no longer allowed to contact your church. These privacy regulations, part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), are known as the "Privacy Rules".

Individuals are responsible for making outside contact when hospitalized. If you find yourself in this situation, please call, or make arrangements to have someone else call:

*Prayer Chain - 250-8782
*Church Office - 344-2141

"Believing God" Women's Bible Study Starts September 26th

This Bible study is a study series from Beth Moore . This 10-session study will lead participants to a more active, living faith as they study the lives of Abraham, Moses, and others in Hebrews 11's "Hall of Faith" who believed God.

It will take place on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in the ACC Prayer Room. Please register before September 3rd to ensure your study materials arrive on time. The cost for the materials is to be announced. To register, please call the church office at 344-2141 to register or stop by the information booth in the lobby.

ACC Family Potluck Picnic - August 15th @ 6:30 pm

Come out and have fun while the sun is still shining! The picnic will be in back of the church (inside of the auditorium if it rains). Each family brings a dish and whatever meat they want to grill up! ACC will provide hotdogs and drinks! There will be many fun door prizes given away. There will be separate raffles for boys and girls and adults! Come fellowship with your church family and don't forget to bring a lawn chair!
Please call the office at 344-2141 if you have any questions.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Acclaimed Author and Lecturer Alistair Petrie will speak at ACC on Friday, Aug 18th @ 7pm

He will be speaking about Apostles and Prophets - A Global Perspective. As Executive Director of Parnership Ministries, Alistair has developed teaching tools to enable the church to transform their communities and nations through intercession and commitment to the land and stewarding the presence of God.

He has written "Releasing Heaven on Earth", "A Sacred Trust" and "Transformed - People-Cities-Nations". Come hear how he explains how to retain God's presence and Glory following times of revival in order that transformation at all levels of society is released and tetained. Don't miss this opportunity to receive an impartation from this incredible leader in the body of Christ.

Women's Prayer Breakfast - Aug 26th

Everyone is welcome to attend Part II of Violence against women of all ages in the ACC Prayer Room from 9-11am. Guest Speaker Maureen Christensen will be giving valuable information regarding the steps women can take to get help. Please register by calling 344-2141 or by signing up at the information counter. This is a no-charge event and childcare is provided.