Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New Foundations Ministries Class begins September 21st

Come discover your true meaning and purpose and, as a result, learn that you are able to achieve things previously thought to be impossible. This class is taught by Marlene Dean in her home. She can be reached at 561-8101.

This class takes place on Thursdays from 7-9pm and goes for nine weeks. Please get contact information and sign up at the information counter.

Volunteers needed for November 11th Christmas Bazaar

If you would like to volunteer to help out with the Christmas Bazaar taking place at ACC on November 11th, please call the church office at 344-2141. Volunteers are needed for various areas that include set-up, tear down, security, and assisting the vendors.

Working Women's Bible Study starts September 21st

The "Six Basics of a Balanced Life" will be held at Suzie Covault's home from 6-8 pm on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays. This study will help working women find a balance between studying God's word, family and work.

Directions to Suzie Covault’s home from City Church:

Take 100th to Humphrey drive and turn right
Turn Right onto Dimond Blvd
Merge onto New Seward going towards downtown
Take the Tudor exit and stay to the right
Tudor then becomes Muldoon
Turn right onto E 16th Ave
Turn right onto State Street
Turn right onto Giddeon Circle

Suzie’s addres 8070 Giddeon Circle
Her phone number is: 333-5898

Beacon University Class begins Thursday, September 21st

Come out on Thursday from 6:30-9:30 pm and learn about the "Seven Churches of Revelation." This course will explore the historical setting and prophetic challenge to each of these churches. The class continues on Friday from 6:30-9:30 pm and Saturday morning from 8:30am-12:30pm.

For costs, registration and information please call Jim Strutz at 344-2141.

There will be no Women's Prayer Breakfast for the month of September

The next Prayer Breakfast is scheduled for October 28th at 9am in the ACC Prayer Room. Watch your bulletin for more information about that breakfast.

Men of Destiny: Realizing God's Vision Men's Retreat will be September 29th - October 1st

All men are encouraged to attend this retreat at Northstar Bible Camp, for a great weekend of fun, food, fellowship, worship, prayer and personal ministry. Activities may include a paint ball competition, pinochle, capture the flag, hiking, ploar bear swims, horseshoes, frisbee golf, NAPPING, fishing, canoeing as well as other card and board games.

Cost is $100 with partial scholarships available. Contact Jim Lamson at 242-4617 if you are in need of a scholarship or would like to fund a scholarship. The cost of the retreat is less if you are only able to come for part of the weekend. Please make checks to City Church.

Bring: Changes of clothes, winter gear, snacks, sleeping gear, Bible, paper & pen, musical instruments if any, and other gear for activities being planned. Most of all...Bring an open heart for God to move in!

  • Last car pool group leaves ACC @ 6:15 pm on Friday
  • Meet at North Star Camp by 8 pm on Friday
  • Leave the camp by 1pm on Sunday
  • Optional stop for lunch on the way back

Directions: Drive to Wilow and just beyond mile 71 on the Parks Hwy, turn right on Willow-Fishook Road. Camp is on the right about 12.5 miles up. The camp is about 1 3/4 hours from City Church.

If you like to have fun, be encouraged, get refreshed and get connected to other men, then this is the weekend for you!!!

Saturday, October 7th is a Couple's Dessert and Fellowship Night

Come and join other couples from 7:30-9:30 pm as they indulge in conversation and dessert in the ACC Auditorium. Invest time in your marriage with this fun date night. Childcare will be provided. Please sign up at the information counter or call the church office at 344-2141.