Sunday, August 05, 2007

Job Announcement!!!

If you would like to earn extra money, ACC is in need of people to set up chairs in the Auditorium for Sunday services. This is a paid position and you must be 14 years or older. Please call Suzie Richardson at 344-2141 for more information about this position. There will be a meeting held on August 24th at 5pm for some on the job training and information about wages.

Join the Fall Indoor Picnic Team!!!

ACC is forming a “Fall Indoor Picnic” Team. If you enjoy planning parties and organizing games, then this is the team to join. We want to incorporate all types of activities into our fall picnics. Please sign up at the information counter, or call Pastor Archibald Campbell at 344-2141 ext 12.

Women's Ministry Tuesday Night Bible Study will start soon!

Women's Ministry
"Tuesday Night Bible Study"

ACC Women’s Ministry is gearing up for the Fall Bible study that will start on September 4th and run for 11 weeks. The study will be “A Woman’s Heart; God’s Dwelling Place” from Beth Moore. This updated edition of A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place by Beth Moore, will take you on a fascinating journey into why God would chose to live in a wilderness tabernacle, made by human hands.

The studies will take place at 6:30 pm in the prayer room. The cost for materials is $20 and childcare is provided. Please sign up at the information counter.

The African Children’s Choir will be here August 26th to perform in a worship concert during both services. Everyone is welcome to attend, and invite their friends and family to hear this magnificent choir that consists of children from countries with the greatest needs including Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Rwanda, Nigeria and Ghana. The African Children’s Choir works to bridge cultural gaps and spread hope and joy while shining the spotlight on the desperate plight of children in Africa.

Although the performances are no charge, we will be taking a love offering during both services. Volunteers are needed to help with various tasks during their performances at ACC. If you are interested in helping during the Sunday services that the Choir is performing at, please contact the office at 344-2141.

Crown Financial Classes are Starting Soon!!!

Crown Financial Classes will be starting on September 6th and go every Thursday for 10 weeks.
The classes will be held in room 103 at 7pm. The cost is to be announced and sign ups for the class are taking place at the information counter. Please register before August 12th. For more information, please contact Janice Ridgeway at 344-2141 ext 17.

Men's Retreat is September 21st - 23rd

Men's Retreat is coming soon!

All men are encouraged to come out for a time of reflection, fellowship, food and to get blessed! The retreat will be at North Star Bible Camp and the cost is $100. Please stay tuned for more information about this memorable weekend.