Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bless Someone With Your Prayers!

Are you a prayer warrior? Then the ACC Prayer Chain needs you! Volunteers are needed to receive prayers from people and share them with the Prayer Chain group. Please call the Prayer Chain number at 250-8782 to volunteer and get specific details.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Some Spaces Remain for The Marriage Course

Some spaces remain for The Marriage Course that begins on Friday, 21 September at Anchorage City Church. Not just for marriages in trouble, this course will be helpful for every marriage. This eight week course is designed to systematically guide you and your spouse through some of the biggest issues of married life, and then give you the tools to break through to higher levels of relationship. There is no group sharing of personal details; instead, during exercises you will privately talk through the issues.

The course runs 6:30-9:00 PM for eight Friday nights. It costs only $125 per couple, which includes dinner and course materials. Childcare is available for an additional $40. More detail about the course can be found on the church calendar for September 21. You can download a registration form online, and bring it by the church office at 1301 W 100th Ave in South Anchorage.

You may want to watch this short video about the course (takes several minutes to fully download), or listen to this audio testimony.

Call the church office at 344-2141 (during the work day) for additional detail or David / Linda Johnson at 336-8717 (day or evening).