Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Focus on Marriage Simulcast Still Available

More than 75% of the 400 available spaces for the Focus on Marriage simulcast at ACC this weekend (February 28) have been sold. Tickets will continue to be available until the simulcast begins or tickets run out, whichever comes first.

Tickets are $69 for a couple and can be purchased online on the Anchorage City Church website.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2008 End of year report

Our 2008 report is finished and ready for you to pick up at the church information counter. If you would like to see it right now, you can download it from the church website.

This is an eight-page report that covers much of what your church has been doing in 2008.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

10 AM Service Time Moved to 9:30 AM

Effective with Sunday, February 15, the 10 AM service time has been moved back to 9:30 AM. The noon service is unchanged.

ACC elders made the change because of the short time available between services for prayer ministry and fellowship. And with the larger attendance of recent months, more time is needed for exchange of church family.