Saturday, March 21, 2009

City Church Directory Update

A couple of times each year we print out a roster of church family names and contact information so we can keep in touch with each other. It's that time again!

Life Information SurveyThe way you get into the directory is by filling out of one our Life Information Surveys. The first page is one-per-family. Everyone can fit on it. The second "supplemental information" page is for each adult in the family so we can know more about your life experience, gifts, abilities and interests.

You can find the Life Information Forms at the Information Counter or online here.

If you are already in the directory, no need to fill it out again unless there are family changes (e.g. new family members, changed contact information, etc).

Join us for Easter on April 12 -- three services

You can find hope again!

These are trying days, full of rising costs, falling stocks, and international uncertainty. The world is so full of grim headlines that it is hard to believe, or even hope, for good news. But at Anchorage City Church we have faith in a bright future that is not dependent on federal bailouts or mutual funds. It's a future founded on something more solid and enduring than governments or finances.

Join us this Easter and find the hope that never fails.

Easter Service Times
9:30 AM
12:00 PM
2:00 PM

Good Friday Service
7:00 PM
More information: 344-2141 during office hours

Friday, March 06, 2009

371 in Small Groups and Classes

Hundreds of ACC'ers and others not yet part of our church are taking part in our Small Groups and Classes this winter. ACC Small Group Coordinator Erik Liebenthal recently asked leaders for a count and tallied a total of 371.

That total counts a few people two or even three times, but whether the real number is 371 or 329 or 296, it's clear that many of us are now participating in groups!

Not in a small group yet? There are many to choose from, and most of the groups are still accepting new members. You can find small group catalogs in the foyer on the east wall. Or, you can download it here.

Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday

Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 8 at 2 AM this year. DST began in early April for many years, but were changed in 2007.

"Spring forward" to be on time for church meetings!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Join Us March 15 in Blessing Mayor Claman

Please join us on Sunday March 15 in blessing Anchorage Mayor Matt Claman. The mayor and his wife will be with us during the 9:30 AM service.

We will pray for the Mayor and his family and present him with a plaque, and flowers for his wife and some small gifts for their children.