Friday, August 14, 2009

Improving the Sound in the ACC Auditorium

As you may know, we have contracted a professional company to assist us in areas of room acoustics and sound systems for this facility. The room that we hold our Sunday services in is, in fact, a gymnasium and the acoustics of the room create a unique set of problems for our music and our vocal reproduction (i.e. preaching). Because of our vision and our desire to have community involvement, we have chosen to have a facility that is multi-purpose/multi-use. While this benefits our church tremendously in many ways, one of the drawbacks is that we lose sound quality in our worship services.

One Friday August 14, we finally received a series of phases from the professional consultants that we can go through to improve the acoustics in the room as well as the sound system. Unfortunately, these things take time and (quite a bit!) of money. We believe that there are many other valuable ministry opportunities that we do NOT want to take money away from, just so we could have an "ideal" worship space. There are, however, some things we will be doing in the very near future.

If you would like to donate an offering (above and beyond tithe) towards the sound/acoustics budget, your donation would be most welcome. All in all, we would like to raise in the neighborhood of $100,000 for our lights, sound, video, and acoustic treatment for our worship facility.

In addition, Pastor Aaron has drafted up a "Worship Philosophy" statement that the elders are currently reviewing; it will be available to view online in the next few weeks.

Thank you for your grace and understanding in the matter!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Women's Fall Bible Study: 3 opportunities per week

ACC Women's Ministry is providing three Bible study opportunities this Fall starting in mid-September.

The study title for the fall semester is Anointed Transformed and Redeemed. At a Deeper Still conference, Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer and Kay Arthur explored their lives and the life of David. These three women represent three generations committed to God and His Word. You’ll laugh with them, cry with them and learn to love god with them. Each of the ladies will lead two weeks of this 6 week interactive, in-depth Bible study. You can expect sound teaching, opportunities to connect, fun and fellowship.

The study costs $20 for the workbook. You can register online on the ACC website.

Monday, August 10, 2009

New City Cafe

Put Someone Through School By Making Coffee
The New City Café is looking for experienced baristas that want to volunteer at the espresso shop, supporting the New Direction High School Completion program. We schedule workers as often as every other week, to once a month, for 2 hour shifts. Keep all tips made. Call Suzie at 344-2141 for more information!

Oikeo Music

Oikeo Music Presents – “Will Sing For Food!”
August 14th at the Wilda Marston Theatere at 7pm. Every year this benefit concert raises awareness and food for the City Church Food Shelf by Charging the public tickets plus canned food Items.
We love innovative ways of bringing community together with our musicians and songwriters and we are in hopes that this concert will grow in popularity among our city dwellers. It's a great way to say thank you to the City Church Food Shelf and learn about what they are doing to keep our city healthy and alive!! Check out

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Alaskan Christmas Bazaar @ ACC November 7

The Alaskan Christmas Bazaar is coming soon at ACC. The 7th annual bazaar scheduled for November 7, 2009 from 9 AM to 4 PM is a great place to pick up Alaska themed gifts for Christmas and other occasions.

The 2009 Bazaar will benefit Mom's Club, an important learning, encouraging, and connecting place for Anchorage moms.

Check out this Anchorage Christmas Bazaar on their website.