Friday, July 15, 2011

Run for God Group Starts This Summer

The Apostle Paul compares our lives of faith to running a race. Runners know the discipline and joy of running. On July 28, you can start the process of being a better witness for Jesus physically, mentally and spiritually....and in 12 weeks you will likely be ready for a 5K marathon here in Anchorage!

Run for God is a City Church group that meets on Thursday evenings at ACC for scripture, brief study and prayer...and then running!

There is a $30 fee ($25 online) to cover some of the costs of the group, including a book valued at $20.

Run For God – The 5K Challenge book is a practical guide to running and a 12-week training plan aimed at running a 5K, but with a Christian focus. Although people run for many different reasons, this book is for those who make God the center of their lives—or need to be reminded to do so. The tone is conversational and accessible, and the workout plans, discussion questions, and Bible verses make it both a practical resource and a workbook for individuals and groups, especially beginning runners. From advice about shoes and Christian music for one’s MP3 player, to tips on race etiquette, the book will be useful and inspirational.

Run For God – The 5K Challenge is part bible study and part training program. The primary goal is to learn to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ while understanding the parallels of enduring a sport like running and enduring your faith.

This group is for all adults! In fact, this study is designed for those who have never run, and if you have never run in your life, there is no better time to start than now.

Be ready for your first 5K road race in just 12 weeks, and learn how this sport relates to our faith in the process.

For more information, see the ACC Run for God group information page. You can make payment for the group online at the Anchorage City Church website.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Small Groups => Big Impacts

Want to make new friends and grow your spiritual life at the same time? In a large church like ours, the best way is to join a group!

There are five kinds of groups at City Church: life study, life issues, life service, life interest, and life together. Whether a Bible study, a prayer group, a photography class, or serving in our food shelf ministry, all offer opportunity for making friends and connecting in to the life of the church. Being around other believers encourages us to grow in our lives in Christ.

We want to continue to make all of these opportunities for connection available, and we want provide even more opportunities than ever for individuals and families to connect in life together groups, or home groups, as they are sometimes called. For the fall semester, we are making life together groups even easier with suggested study guidelines from the Sunday's sermons.

If you have a heart to be part of this ministry team, we invite you to look into small group leadership. You can see our leader application form here. If you are interested in becoming a City Church small group leader, join us at our next leader training session, Sunday evening, July 10 from 6:45-9:15 PM for part 1 and again Monday evening at the same time for part 2. We will be offering the same training from 9 AM to 3 PM on Saturday, August 20.

Perhaps you would like to be part of a group of friends growing together in your spiritual life, but you don't have the time or inclination to lead a group....but you DO have a good-sized home. Not every small group leader has enough space, and your willingness to team up with a leader can provide a place to make a new group possible!

But maybe you aren't ready to be a leader or a host, and just want to be IN a small group! Fall semester small groups start in earnest the week of September 11. There will be about three dozen groups of various kinds to choose from. Stay tuned for more information!

If you would like more information about any of these items, please contact Pastor David Johnson at 952-6645.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

7-3-11 Announcemetns

Video Announcements for ACC (7-3-2011) from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Video Announcements for Anchorage City Church.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Farewell Lunch for the Gray Family!

On July 17th, after the second service, we will be having a farewell lunch for the Gray family as they transition into this new season. Bring your favorite dish to share as we fellowship and send this awesome family off right!