Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to Give Using "My City Church"

Hello Church Family! We are excited to announce some new changes to the way you donate at City Church.
My City Church allows you to:

  • Create / update your profile and contact information and upload a picture of yourself
  • Donate, as well as view your giving contributions to date
  • Change your email/password
  • Search the online church directory
  • Find a small group
  • Update your privacy settings

After going to the Give tab on our website, you used to be taken to this screen to log in:    

Now you will be taken the My City Church log in page:

Your email and password will be the same when logging into My City Church. You will notice the new "Your Giving" option at the bottom of the page once you log in:

This will be your new home when it comes to giving at City Church, as well as viewing all your contributions to date:

As always, you will still be able to contribute with cash or checks, or by using our Giving Kiosk on campus. (Giving Kiosk, currently only available at 100th Ave Campus)

Please contact A.Z. or Kristal at the church office with any questions, 907.344.2141 or by e-mail.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Memorial for Fletcher Fuller – Friends of Fletcher Fuller are invited to gather at 3 PM Saturday, May 12 in the upstairs Prayer Room at Anchorage City Church to remember his life. Pastor Jim Strutz will officiate. Fletcher, 75, passed away in Anchorage on May 2nd.

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Day at Downtown Soup Kitchen in Anchorage

I recently spent a couple of days serving at the Downtown Soup Kitchen (DSK) on 4th Ave in Anchorage.  I wanted to see this great Alaska faith community service project up close and personal!

On my first tour of duty, my job was to help Ron (that's Ron and I in the picture at right) cook the soup.  I did a lot of chopping, boning, slicing and stirring.  We made two large pots of the hearty, meaty soup. After working all morning, I was plenty hungry myself, and I happily ate what I had been smelling for the last few hours.

In this picture, you see part of the main kitchen.  Just to the right of the photographer are the two windows where food is served from noon to 1:30.  The menu always includes soup.  It usually also includes sandwiches, other no-cook foods, and a beverage.  There is usually also dessert.

DSK is a remarkable partnership of the Anchorage faith community and businesses and organizations that provide day-old or otherwise perfectly good food that is not easily marketable.  On both days I was there, a cheerful collection of volunteers from around the community were chopping, washing, making sandwiches, cooking soup, cleaning, stacking, and more...from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM.  The working teams are led by Vicki, Becky and Diane.  They start off with prayer, and then move tirelessly around all during the day with humor, gentle direction and obvious agape love for those they serve and those they serve with. 

I'm not going to lie to was real American work.  But the fun of meeting and working with volunteers from around the community and the pleasure of serving made the hard work worth it. 

The Alaskans we served come from all kinds of situations and backgrounds.  Many are homeless.  At the other end of the scale, some drive up because they have work and a place to live, but just don't have much economic margin.  DSK doesn't ask questions.....if someone comes to the window, they get a meal and a friendly smile.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, a shower and warm clothes are available for those that need it.  This is a great place for sitting a moment out of the cold and in the warmth of encouragement and prayer for those who want it.

Two of our church family (Angelique and Sherrie) work at DSK and both are full of enthusiasm for how this ministry is serving Anchorage. The ministry is only possible with the participation of many volunteers, and Vicki will cheerfully add you to the calendar if you can put in days here and there, or better yet, on a regular basis.  Some of the volunteers work every week, others once a month.  DSK volunteers are all different ages, generations, and even families working together. If you can spare some weekdays from 9:30 to 2:30,  and this feels like a place you would like to serve, contact DSK.

If this doesn't work, there are some other important ways you can participate.  First, you could donate food or clothing and toiletries.  Call DSK at 277-4302 for a list of what they need.

Second, there is an after-hours option where teams come in and deep clean or help organize donated items.

Finally, you can help "End the Line".  Here's what DSK says about that:

Every day literally hundreds of people come to the soup kitchen for food and drink. Every day they stand in line. In the cold, in the wind, in rain or snow. We simply don't have the space to bring people inside. Our vision is to have a new facility that will allow us to treat our guests like we do our own families. We don't believe guests of the DSK should line up to get their one hot meal of the day. It's a small symbol of humanity, but it's time to bring folks inside. Everyone should be able to sit down to eat like the rest of us do every day. It's time to END THE LINE, and any donation you make to DSK will help us achieve this goal.

Happily, a new facility is under construction right now as a result of a huge amount of generosity by the community and some strategic grants. In the picture at right, Angelique stands across the street from the new building.  It should be completed sometime during 2012.  Volunteers with construction trades experience interested in helping with interior completion are welcome.  Contact Angelique for more information about this.

I came away impressed with the energy, dedication and Alaska can-do attitude of the DSK.  It's a great team and I'm glad for this opportunity to lend a hand to our neighbors in Anchorage who don't have it so good at this season in their lives.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Recently Divorced? Here is Help for Wounded Hearts

Did she just walk out of your life without a reason?

Did he just say “I don’t love you anymore” and leave?

Life sometimes comes at us like an unexpected storm – or sneaks up on us like the fog. Both ways life happens; and we are caught off-balance wondering what just happened. As time goes on we might find ourselves frightened, mad, sad, lost, financially strapped, so much emotion and upheaval.

A long-term break-up or a divorce is a painful process. Families are hurt and often there is no one to listen to you or understand what you are going through. But there really is someone who will listen; a group of people who are experiencing the same thing, and those who have found solid ground in the midst of upheaval. If this is you or you know someone in this place, consider please DivorceCare. Whether you are just freshly experiencing this trauma of it was 20 years ago, come join us.

A DivorceCare group will be meeting at ACC on Wednesday’s @ 6:30pm for 2 hours beginning 11 January through 4 April 2012. Come join us, hear that you are not alone, find steps to help you cope and get you through this time of your life. You really will be glad you came.

See you there.

This was written by ACC Divorce Care Facilitator Liz Winfree. For more information about this ACC group see our groups list.  There is a small cost for this group to cover the cost of the materials.  You can register and pay for this group on the ACC website, or you can go to the class and take care of the details there.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Get a Grip....on Your Finances!

It's pretty much all Katie and Steve's fault.  Linda and I were happily minding our own financial business when Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University surfaced in the calm waters of our money management style. Looking back on it, the waters weren't so much calm as they were stagnant....and am ever I glad the waters got roiled up!

Katie is our daughter, and when she and her husband Steve announced that they were taking the church's Financial Peace class, I thought that sounded like a pretty good idea. Little did I know that I was going to soon be sucked into it, too.

Steve and Katie would regularly tell us all that they were learning. They really liked Steve and Christy Jo Crowley's leadership of the class and authentic sharing of their own financial journey. Not only were they learning, but Dave Ramsey's teaching and Steve & Christy Jo's encouragement helped them take big savings and budget steps.  They are now debt free and saving for a home and long term goals. 

Steve and Katie were so impressed that they bought their own set of the DVDs that the class is based on. That's where we started getting sucked in. When we watched a few of the DVDs at home, Ramsey's common sense, Biblically-based teaching really got me thinking. 

When Steve and Christy Jo couldn't lead the class for the fall semester. Katie agreed to team lead the class with me and Linda....and that's where our financial waters started really getting roiled up. There's nothing quite like listening to good teaching and then talking about it for an hour with others on the same journey. Each week, we would listen to the DVD's for an hour, and then share victories large and small, and talk about what Ramsey had just taught. It was great fun sharing with old friends and new friends in the group....sometimes with a lot of laughter....and sometimes considering difficulties with compassion.

It would be hard to overstate the value of this class for Linda and me. We have returned to budgeting, and dramatically increased our saving and investing for retirement. We have also updated our insurance and made several other important changes in our money management. Where "the ants were carrying off money" we have shut them out with financial discipline. In short....we got a grip.

We weren't the only ones, either.  Thousands of dollars of debt has been paid off in our group....and some are just a few months away from being debt free. Credit cards have been cut up and a real emphasis on savings came over the group.

During the last class, I had a revelation about the multi-faceted value of this teaching. Here's what I understood as never before:
  1. The devil really uses money to cause friction in families. If we can together get our money under control, his foothold in this area gets pretty small.
  2. The Bible says the borrower is servant to the lender. That means when we are in debt, we are slaves to money.  Most of us can get out of all but mortgage loan debt within a few years at most. Many of us can even get out from under mortgages if we stick with it a few years more.
  3. When we have control of our money - instead of it controlling us - we are free to give to every good purpose. We can provide guilt-free gifts to help adult children.  We can partner in building the kingdom of God through the church and in many other ways.  God loves a cheerful giver, the scriptures tell us, and this class can really help us get to that place in our giving.
This semester, Jim and Pamela Corso are leading Financial Peace University at City Church on Monday nights starting January 16.  It's a 13-week class, and childcare is provided.  It starts at 6:30 PM.  You can attend the first class without cost or obligation.  If you feel like it's a good fit for you, the class is $110 (or $99 if you register on the ACC website).   If Monday nights don't work, other churches in Anchorage are offering the class this winter as well.

Get a grip on your money like we did and thousands of others - take Financial Peace University this semester!