Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bible Study Group - With Jim Strutz

Last night, Tuesday, we had our second Bible study with about a dozen or so people involved. We've started off investigating the arguments in chuch history. Most of these have to do with the nature of God, the church, and Jesus Christ. Since cults and fringe groups make most of their serious errors along these points, a careful examination of these 2000 year old arguments have a lot to do with contemporary issues.

So far we haven't gotten past the New Testament era, and have discussed Judaizers, legalism, conservatism, and liberalism. And I have to say, we've had a lot of fun doing it. While Judaizing isn't such a hot topic today, it is in reality a form of the common legalism that we do see so much of. Much of our time was spent discussing how easy it is to slip into patterns of legalistic thought and practice that are not truely godly. They just seem to be so.

Next week our plan is to discuss Gnosticism and it's present manifestation of New Age Religions. With a soon to be released movie, and current best seller based largely on a Gnostic view of Christianity and the Bible, this is certainly a contemporary issue.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, come join us at ACC, Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. We'll be meeting upstairs in room 207. Do a little preliminary research on Gnosicism if you have a chance, and we can discuss what we find.