Thursday, April 06, 2006

Beacon University: Class of the Month

Every month we do a new class through Beacon Universtiy: Institute of Ministry. This month's class will be part II of Romans, and we will be looking closely at chapters 5-8. There is no requirement to have taken part 1 before this class, it stands on its own. The outline for this section is:

Free from Wrath - chapter 5
Free from Sin - chapter 6
Free from Law - chapter 7
Free from Death - chapter 8

The video classroom portion of this study will be presented on April 20 & 21 at 6:30 p.m., and April 22 at 8:30 a.m. The class is taught by Dr. Ron Cottle, one of the best Bible teachers to be found anywhere. This man knows the book of Romans better than just about anyone.

Come see me for more information and the text books, or email me at