Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Women's Ministry Bowling Party!!!

Let's have a fun time again bowling!!!

When: Friday, January 18th

Time: 7:00-9:00pm

Where: Center Bowl (corner of Minnesota Drive and Spenard Rd)

Cost: $15

What you get for the money: Bowling, shoes, pizza, soda, dessert and a great time fellowshipping with the girls!!!

Sign up and pay at the information counter. You must pre-pay on or before January 13th to reserve your spot!

Character First Family Seminar is Feb 16th - Sign up Now!!!

Character First Family Seminar
Saturday, February 16th @ City Church
9am - 4pm
Achieve True Character Success Within Your Family!

What is Character First???
Character First is a leadership training program developed by the Character Training Institute. The mission of this organization is to equip families to build character and help communities reinforce character. The training materials for this seminar are specifically tailored to foster good character building in children, teens, adults and parents. The materials will teach families lasting solutions to their everyday struggles. Everyone is guaranteed to get something great out of this seminar!

This seminar will be taught by Steven Menzel who is a National Director for the International Association of Character Cities (IACC). He will provide guidance and helpful tips that will greatly improve character and family relations, and all from a Biblical perspective. This seminar is also great for singles, single parents and any component of family!
Everyone is encouraged to come and join us to learn practical tools for:
*Training and praising children
*Resolving relationship tension
*Developing respect & harmony
*Establishing a Family vision
*Character Growth

Cost is:
$35 for a couple or family
$20 for an individual
To register download a form from the ACC website main page, or pick one up at the information counter at church. Your registration is confirmed when payment is made. Payments can be dropped off at the church office Monday - Friday, at the information counter on Sundays, or mailed to:
Anchorage City Church
1301 W. 100th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99515
Registration price includes training and one set of materials per family. Family Character manuals are an additional cost of $15 and $25 and can be purchased at the seminar.

Children 8 years and older are welcome to attend the seminar at no additional cost. Childcare will be available for ages 7 and under. Please make sure to specify the number of children needing childcare on the registration form.

Lunchtime Options:
Bring a picnic lunch for your family
Pre-order a box lunch for $8 per person
We welcome you to stay during lunch and network with other families!
For more information or questions, please call Pastor Archibald Campbell at 344-2141, ext 12.

Women's Tuesday Night Bible Study starts January 15th

Priscilla Shirer
"Discerning the Voice of God" Study
Starts January 15th @ 6:30 pm
Learn how to put into practice key insights that will draw you closer to God!

In Discerning the Voice of God: How to recognize when God Speaks, Popular author and speaker Priscilla Shirer relates powerful Bible truths and provides practical steps on how to know the voice of God. Through compelling print and video lessons you'll learn to recognize God's character, language and tone of voice. As you spend time in His Word and better understand the role of the Holy Spirit, you'll be able to distinguish God's voice above all the others in our world and in your head. These sessions are interactive and includes both a personal workbook study and Priscilla's messages on DVDs to view in a group setting.

Sign up at the information counter for this 8 week course. Cost is $20 and childcare will be available depending on the number of children we have.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Firm Foundations for Your Faith: January 6 at ACC

Build a firm footing for your faith with “Foundations,” an introduction to Christianity. No matter how long you have been a Christ follower, you will learn new things!

The course meets during the 11 AM sermon time for nine Sundays. The next Foundations class begins on Sunday, January 6, 2008 and will meet each Sunday through the first Sunday in March. The course is taught by Dr. Jim Strutz (photo at right).

Here are the topics:

I) Nature
A) Nature of God (December 30)
B) Nature of Revelation (January 6)
C) Nature of Creation (January 13)

II) Redemption
D) Redemption from Sin and Death (January 20)
E) Reconciliation to God (January 27)

III) Spirituality
F) Immersion in the Spirit (February 3)
G) Walking in the Spirit (February 10)
H) Walking in Love (February 17)

IV) Anticipation
I) Awaiting His Return (February 24)

For more detailed information on this class, see the church calendar. Students can listen to the sermons they miss via the church website, or students can arrange for free CD copies of those sermons.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Angel Tree Deadline is Wednesday, Dec 19th

ACC's Angel Tree Program
The Angel Tree Program allows ACC's congregation to give gifts of food and presents for children of their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ during Christmas time.
Those donating: Please take an Angel tag off the tree in the lobby and return the unwrapped present (with the Angel tag attached) to the church office or information counter during Sunday Services no later Dec 19th. Or, call Janice if you would like to help put together Christmas food baskets.
Thank you to all who have purchased gifts so far and offered to help. Many will be blessed by your kindness.
For more information, please contact Janice at 344-2141, ext 17.

Chilren's Christmas Program on Dec 23rd

"The Animals of Christmas"
The Children of City Church will be performing a play called "The Animals of Christmas" for both services on Sunday, Dec 23. There will not be Sunday School for grades K-6th on that day. The nursery will be available.

Light refreshments will be served in between both performances.

Candlelight Service is Dec 24th at 6:30 p.m.

Come celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior on Dec 24th at 6:30 pm. We will be having worship, prayer and a candlelight service on this evening.

For more information, please call the church office at 344-2141.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Marriage "I/M" Refresher Course November 30

ACC is offering a one-evening marriage refresher course – a “Marriage I/M” (inspection / maintenance) on the last day of this month. Like automobiles, marriages run better if we keep them well maintained. This refresher course will help you keep your marriage in good running order.

Like The Marriage Course, we’ll start with a nice dinner together. Then you'll hear some good teaching and work through some private exercises with your spouse .

The evening starts at 6:30 PM on Friday, November 30 at the Anchorage City Church auditorium. It costs only $30 ($25 if the church office receives your payment by November 27). Childcare is not available for this evening. We will end by about 9 PM. To register, call the church office (344-2141). You can download a registration form here.

Invite your spouse for a date on November 30 that will encourage your marriage!

For more information call David or Linda Johnson at 336-8717.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Winterizing Women Workshop

ACC Women's Ministry Presents...

"Winterizing Women Workshop" Saturday, November 17th From 9-11:30am ACC Prayer Room

All women are encouraged to come and hear what the WORD says about keeping ourselves productive and staying encouraged during the winter doldrums. We will be learning how to manage our spending when the "winter blues" hit; how to connect with others; the ease of hosting fellowship parties; and what we all need to keep in our emergency "Winterizing kit".

This is a free gathering! A light breakfast will be served and childcare is provide. Please invite your friends and family. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

ACC's Thanksgiving Potluck is Next Sunday!!!

ACC's Thanksgiving Potluck
Sunday, November 18th

Everyone is encouraged to come back right after the second service on Sunday, November 18th at 1:30 to break bread with your ACC family. ACC will be providing the turkey, ham and drinks. We are asking that our congregation bring a side dish and/or a dessert.

We will have crafts and activities for the children, some talent acts and fun family activities that help us to remember to be thankful all year round. For more information, please call the church office at 344-2141.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

DST Ends Sunday November 4 @ 2 AM

Daylight Saving Time ends on the first Sunday in November for us here in Anchorage, and elsewhere in the USA using DST.

The clock goes forward one hour at 2:00 AM on the second Sunday in March and back to normal time at 2:00 AM on the first Sunday in November. This means that we set our clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday night.

These dates were recently modified with the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Prior to 2007, daylight time in the United States began on the first Sunday in April and ended on the last Sunday in October.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Religious Volunteers Needed for Prison Ministry!!!

Those incarcerated need encouragement, hope, and to hear God's Word! Religious volunteers will be trained by the Alaska State of Corrections Department, and training will take place towards the end of November.
We desire to have men and women trained in this area.
If you are interested in becoming a religious volunteer, please sign up at the information counter. You will also need to pick up an application and return it to the information counter or the Church office. For more information, please contact Paula Gray at 440-1047.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Volunteers needed for Holdiay Help!!!

We are looking for happy volunteers to help with HOLIDAY events! On Monday, November 5th at 6pm we will be decorating our church for the Holidays. We will be having pizza, soda and desserts.

Then, on November 9th and 10th we will be holding our annual Alaskan Christmas Bazaar and we need strong helpers for set up and tear down for both days. Please sign up at the information counter if you can help with either of these events.

Spanish Services will be on October 28th!!!

Spanish Services at ACC
October 28th
9 & 11 am

ACC will be having Spanish services during the 9 & 11am services on October 28th. Please invite your Spanish speaking friends as we listen to the Word of God through special guest speaker Rodolfo Chavez, who will be speaking in Spanish. (Rod Rodriquez will be the English translator).

ACC's Spanish band PS96 will be performing during both services and will bring a latin flair to the worship time! So please mark your calendars for this exciting time to reach out to our Latino community!

Alaskan Christmas Bazaar Craft Fair is Coming!!!

Alaskan Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, November 10th
Every year, the Alaskan Christmas Bazaar at City Church has grown and become a community event that really kicks off the Christmas season.

You won't find a selection of higher quality vendors selling their holiday goods anywhere in Alaska. We are proud to be known as the most beautiful Christmas bazaar of the season. You will be able to choose from hundreds of hand made Holiday crafts, clothes and decorations. Vendors come from all over to sell their wares in hopes of making your Holiday gift-buying a fruitful one!
We hope to see you shop at the bazaar and enjoy the wide range of holiday products! For more information, please refer to the Bazaar website:

Women's Prayer Breakfast is November 17th

Women's Ministry Breakfast
November 17th, 2007
We will be having a Prayer Breakfast on November 17th from 9-11am in the Prayer Room. Starting October 28th, there will be a sign up sheet located at the information counter. The cost is $10. Stay tuned for more information about the topic and guest speaker for this breakfast.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bless Someone With Your Prayers!

Are you a prayer warrior? Then the ACC Prayer Chain needs you! Volunteers are needed to receive prayers from people and share them with the Prayer Chain group. Please call the Prayer Chain number at 250-8782 to volunteer and get specific details.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Some Spaces Remain for The Marriage Course

Some spaces remain for The Marriage Course that begins on Friday, 21 September at Anchorage City Church. Not just for marriages in trouble, this course will be helpful for every marriage. This eight week course is designed to systematically guide you and your spouse through some of the biggest issues of married life, and then give you the tools to break through to higher levels of relationship. There is no group sharing of personal details; instead, during exercises you will privately talk through the issues.

The course runs 6:30-9:00 PM for eight Friday nights. It costs only $125 per couple, which includes dinner and course materials. Childcare is available for an additional $40. More detail about the course can be found on the church calendar for September 21. You can download a registration form online, and bring it by the church office at 1301 W 100th Ave in South Anchorage.

You may want to watch this short video about the course (takes several minutes to fully download), or listen to this audio testimony.

Call the church office at 344-2141 (during the work day) for additional detail or David / Linda Johnson at 336-8717 (day or evening).

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Job Announcement!!!

If you would like to earn extra money, ACC is in need of people to set up chairs in the Auditorium for Sunday services. This is a paid position and you must be 14 years or older. Please call Suzie Richardson at 344-2141 for more information about this position. There will be a meeting held on August 24th at 5pm for some on the job training and information about wages.

Join the Fall Indoor Picnic Team!!!

ACC is forming a “Fall Indoor Picnic” Team. If you enjoy planning parties and organizing games, then this is the team to join. We want to incorporate all types of activities into our fall picnics. Please sign up at the information counter, or call Pastor Archibald Campbell at 344-2141 ext 12.

Women's Ministry Tuesday Night Bible Study will start soon!

Women's Ministry
"Tuesday Night Bible Study"

ACC Women’s Ministry is gearing up for the Fall Bible study that will start on September 4th and run for 11 weeks. The study will be “A Woman’s Heart; God’s Dwelling Place” from Beth Moore. This updated edition of A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place by Beth Moore, will take you on a fascinating journey into why God would chose to live in a wilderness tabernacle, made by human hands.

The studies will take place at 6:30 pm in the prayer room. The cost for materials is $20 and childcare is provided. Please sign up at the information counter.

The African Children’s Choir will be here August 26th to perform in a worship concert during both services. Everyone is welcome to attend, and invite their friends and family to hear this magnificent choir that consists of children from countries with the greatest needs including Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Rwanda, Nigeria and Ghana. The African Children’s Choir works to bridge cultural gaps and spread hope and joy while shining the spotlight on the desperate plight of children in Africa.

Although the performances are no charge, we will be taking a love offering during both services. Volunteers are needed to help with various tasks during their performances at ACC. If you are interested in helping during the Sunday services that the Choir is performing at, please contact the office at 344-2141.

Crown Financial Classes are Starting Soon!!!

Crown Financial Classes will be starting on September 6th and go every Thursday for 10 weeks.
The classes will be held in room 103 at 7pm. The cost is to be announced and sign ups for the class are taking place at the information counter. Please register before August 12th. For more information, please contact Janice Ridgeway at 344-2141 ext 17.

Men's Retreat is September 21st - 23rd

Men's Retreat is coming soon!

All men are encouraged to come out for a time of reflection, fellowship, food and to get blessed! The retreat will be at North Star Bible Camp and the cost is $100. Please stay tuned for more information about this memorable weekend.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Build Your Lives Together with The Marriage Course

Whether your marriage is doing well or struggling, you and your spouse will benefit from The Marriage Course. This eight-evening course will give you new tools to strengthen your marriage and build your joy together.

Each session includes useful teaching and exercises which husband and wife work on together. There is no requirement to talk about your relationship with anyone other than your spouse.

While the course is based on the ministry of Jesus, you don't have to call yourself a Christian or be a member of any church to benefit from this course.

The course starts Friday evening, September 21 at 6:30 PM. Registration is required and costs $125 (only $100 if payment is received before 15 September). The course will meet at Anchorage City Church and supper is provided. Childcare is available at an additional cost of $40.

See more information on the church calendar for 9/21 or call David or Linda Johnson at 336.8717 for more details.

A Marriage Preparation Course is planned for spring, 2008 for engaged couples.

Friday, July 13, 2007

A Weekend for Fathers, Uncles, Sons & Brothers

Generation Partners Weekend

August 3-5th

This weekend is a time for young men and boys, sons and newphews ages 7"ish" and up to deepen the connection with the significant Father figure in their life.

The agenda consists of FUN, Connections, FUN challenges, Outdoor Skills and much more! Oh, and did we mention fun?

Got a skill??? Then teach it to us!!!

Items you must bring:
* Smores fixin's
* 2 Gallons of water
* Baby wipes
* Roll of toilet paper
* Your own food & drinks

Have a canoe? Bring one!!!

The weekend will take place at Jim Lamson's cabin in Willow (please get a map from the information counter). The cabin sleeps 20 comfortably, and it is first come, first served. You can also bring tents and RVs to sleep in.

Cost for this weekend is $12 per person. Please sign up at the information counter. Check in time will be at 6pm on August 3rd, with a fireside time of hot dogs and smores around 8pm. Bring the food items listed below. Eating times for the weekend will go something like this:

Friday Night - Check in at 6pm
Smores & Hot Dogs around the Firepit

Saturday - Breakfast is Cereal & Milk and Juice
Lunch is Sandwiches, Chips & Fruit
Dinner - Bring your own meat to grill

Sunday - Breakfast is Eggs, Bacon & Toast (We will cook everything together)
We will clean up and leave sometime after 12noon

If you have anymore questions, please call Archibald - cell#830-8661.
Remember to sign up at the information counter!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Family Camp July 6th, 7th & 8th
Arrive from 2pm on July 6th
Depart Camp at 2pm on July 8th

Everyone is encouraged to come out for ACC's annual Family Camp at the Alaska Christian Retreat Center near Soldotna. Participate in children and family games, board and sporting games. The camp provides a volleyball arena and softball field and lakefront for many water activities (although no motor vehicles are allowed in the water).

We will begin the first night with a fun potluck dessert time around the campfire. So, make sure to bring your favorite dessert to share. We will also have a community potluck/brunch on Sunday morning which is appropriately titled "Cooler Clean-out Potluck". So, bring enough food for your family to eat for breakfasts, lunches and dinners and a little extra for the potluck times.

There are different options for camping: dormitory housing, RV parking or camping in a tent. The RV electrical plug-ins are limited but parking is abundant. There is also a kitchen facility, toilet and showers and meeting room.
Cost is: $40 for a dorm room per night (first come first served). Dorm rooms have beds but you will need to bring sleeping bags, blankets & pillows to put on the beds.

For tent or RV camping the cost is $6 per person per night and children under 5 years old are free.

Unfortunately, there are no pets allowed. The map to the Alaskan Christian Retreat Center (this facility is 135 miles south of Anchorage) and a schedule of events will be available in the next few weeks. Please sign up and pay at the information counter.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Fast Day is Friday, June 29th

The Prayer Room will be available from 8am until 8pm, for those needing a quiet place to pray. Please pick up fasting vignettes at the information counter.

Women's Ministry Bowling Party!!!

Friday, June 29th @ 7pm

Ages 18-88...come out on Friday, June 29th for a night of pizza, NEON bowling, desserts and fellowship! We will start bowling at 7pm and go until 9!

The bowling party will take place at Center Bowl on the corner of Minnesota and Spenard. Cost for this is only $15 and space is limited, so please sign up and pay at the information counter on Sunday, June 24th.

Women's Tuesday Night Bible Studies begin July 10th's time again to start up some weekly studies! Come out on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:30pm for Bible studies that are different each week. Some of the studies we will be doing are:

Beth Moore
"Jesus the One and Only"

Priscilla Shirer
"Single Minded Worship"

Anne Graham
"The Vision of His Glory"

Lisa Whelchel
"Creative Connection"

Jennifer Rothschild
"Walking by Faith" &
"Fingerprints of Love"

Angela Thomas
"Living your life as a beautiful offering"

Tianne Moon
"Enjoy a thirst quenching
look at Phillippians"

Mary Kassian
"Conversation Peace"

There is no cost for these studies and no childcare will be available. Please sign up each week at the information counter.

Mountain View Outreach

There will be an Outreach event in Mountain View at Lyon's Park on Saturday, July 14th from 12noon - 3pm. There will be various live bands performing, drama acts, children's games, food and many opportunities to witness and encourage. Everyone is encouraged to come out and support this Outreach.
This Outreach event is a partnership between Bethel Chapel, the Northside Partnership and City Church.

ACC Potluck Picnic - July 15th

Come out on Sunday, July 15th and enjoy the sunshine while you fellowship! The grills will be ready to cook your favorite marinated meat! ACC will provide hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks. Please bring whatever meat you would like grilled, and a side dish or dessert to share with your ACC family. Some families bring their own lawn chairs as seating outside is sometimes limited.

The picnic starts at 6pm. Please call the office at 344-2141 for more information.

Red Cross to give training in Shelter Operations

Shelter Operations Training
July 22nd from 5-8pm
ACC has been given an opportunity to be a shelter in the event of a disaster that would displace people. The safety and well-being of the people in need of shelter depend on capable leadership. Therefore, it is imperative that ACC have well trained, prepared individuals to render assistance.
We need many individuals to be a part of ACC's Disaster Preparedness Team. There will be a shelter operations hands-on training in the prayer room from 5-8pm. If you attended the previous shelter operations course, or would like to be a part of the ACC team, then this training is for you. The Red Cross will be reviewing guidelines, procedures, rules, etc for running a fully operational shelter.
There will be light refreshments served and there is no cost to attend this meeting. Please sign up at the information counter, or call Mike Rawalt at 344-2141 for more information.