Friday, June 22, 2007

Women's Tuesday Night Bible Studies begin July 10th's time again to start up some weekly studies! Come out on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:30pm for Bible studies that are different each week. Some of the studies we will be doing are:

Beth Moore
"Jesus the One and Only"

Priscilla Shirer
"Single Minded Worship"

Anne Graham
"The Vision of His Glory"

Lisa Whelchel
"Creative Connection"

Jennifer Rothschild
"Walking by Faith" &
"Fingerprints of Love"

Angela Thomas
"Living your life as a beautiful offering"

Tianne Moon
"Enjoy a thirst quenching
look at Phillippians"

Mary Kassian
"Conversation Peace"

There is no cost for these studies and no childcare will be available. Please sign up each week at the information counter.