Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pastoral and Administrative Staff will be away at a conference from January 30th - February 4th

The majority of the Pastoral and Admininstrative staff will be gone at a church organization and team building conference. Please call a church elder or the church office if you need immediate assistance during this time.

Cancelled - Mike Hagen's Strength Team's Event on Jan 20th & 21st

January 16th - Indoor Potluck is Cancelled

We will resume our potlucks next month. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Kate White in Concert at ACC on January 14th @ 7pm

Christian artist Kate White will be in concert at ACC on January 14th at 7pm. Kate is a concert artist, worship leader, songwriter and violinist. She grew up in a musical family, where she studied classically, but also played fiddle and sang in her family bluegrass band.
Kate’s songs are very much a reflection of her life experiences with God. In sharing about her music, Kate says, “I believe God is calling me to write songs of faith, humility, honesty and surrender. God has done such a healing and grace-filled work in my life! I am learning that my walk with Him is about the journey / wrestling we do with God along the way. It’s my heart to write from an honest place. I pray that these songs would reflect this process and touch the human heart, lifting it longingly to God."
Please invite your friends to experience her beautiful music as we worship and praise the Lord together. Desserts and coffee will be served during the concert. Tickets for this concert can be purchased at the door for $5.
January 12th Concert at the Performing Arts Center
Kate will be doing a Benefit Concert for New Direction on Jan 12 at the Performing Arts Center . A ministry to help get kids off the street and find them homes and the things they need. This event is sponsored by Oikeo Music, Changepoint and K-LOVE . Tickets for this concert can be purchased at centertix.net

"Facing Co-Dependency" Study Starts January 15th

This study takes place on Mondays from 6:30-8:30pm in room 207 for 9 weeks. Participants will learn how to deal with, and concur the problems associated with co-dependency. The cost for materials is $16. Please sign up at the information counter.

Indoor Potluck Gathering is Tuesday, January 16th!!!

Come start the New Year off by coming out and fellowshipping with your ACC family. We will play games, have give-aways and most of all - a good time eating! Please bring the type of meat you want grilled up, or a side dish or main dish to share with everyone.

The picnic is from 6-8 pm. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

ChangePoint Hosts The "Strength Team" at ACC on January 20th & 21st

Everyone is encouraged to invite their unsaved friends on Saturday, Jan 20th and Sunday, Jan 21st at 7pm both evenings, to hear the inspirational and entertaining members of Mike Hagen's Strength Team.

In sight and sound, the Team provides a means for audiences of all ages to be captivated by a powerful visual demonstration. The Team preaches and declares the uncompromised message of salvation through Jesus Christ. They serve to facilitate evangelism to reach the lost, impact the community and see entire families come to the Lord, as well as be added to the Church.

For more information, please call 344-2141.

Beacon University Class Revelation II - January 18th, 10th & 20th

This class will cover chapters 4-11 in the book of revelation. This class will meet in room 103 and the times are:

Jan 18th - 6:30-9:30pm
Jan 19th - 6:30-9:30pm
Jan 20th - 8:30am - 12:30pm

To register, please call Pastor Jim Strutz at 344-2141, or email him at: jim@accchurch.org

January 21st is the registration deadline for Beth Moore's Womens Bible Studies

"Daniel" Bible study will start on February 13th. Divided into 2 parts, the 1st portion (Daniel 1-6), emphasized by Lives of Integrity, deals with the life of the prophet and is extremely contemporary. Daniel faced pressures and temptations similar to those of a Christian in today's world. He teaches and models for us how to develop enduring integrity in an enticing world.
The 2nd half (Daniel 7-12), turns to explore the prophecies of Daniel. It deals in-depth with the historical details, predictions, and fulfillments detailing history from the time of Daniel, through the inter-biblical period, the time of Christ, and on to the second coming of Christ.

The study takes place each Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30pm for 12 weeks. Childcare is provided and the cost for materials is $20.
On February 15th, "Breaking Free" Bible study starts in room 207, and continues each Thursday for 11 weeks from 6;30-8:30. This study will focus on scripture that points out the benefits of our relationship with God and shows you how to remove obstacles that hinder that relationship. As you identify spiritual strongholds in your life, you will progress on the journey toward greater freedom in Christ.
The cost of this study is to be determined. This study is sponsored by Anchorage Evening AGLOW. Please sign up at the information counter, or by callikng Carol Jack at 344-2141.

ACC Women's Ministry Presents..."A Mother's Blessing" on January 26th

There will be a dessert night, in lieu of the monthly prayer breakfast, at Cafe Croissant at 6:30pm. This night will be a time of renewal and healing. There is a $5 fee and space is limited, so sign up at the information counter, or call Carol Jack at 344-2141.

Cafe Croissant is located at 3002 Spenard Road. They are located right behind the DMV on Benson.