The 2nd half (Daniel 7-12), turns to explore the prophecies of Daniel. It deals in-depth with the historical details, predictions, and fulfillments detailing history from the time of Daniel, through the inter-biblical period, the time of Christ, and on to the second coming of Christ.
The study takes place each Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30pm for 12 weeks. Childcare is provided and the cost for materials is $20.
On February 15th, "Breaking Free" Bible study starts in room 207, and continues each Thursday for 11 weeks from 6;30-8:30. This study will focus on scripture that points out the benefits of our relationship with God and shows you how to remove obstacles that hinder that relationship. As you identify spiritual strongholds in your life, you will progress on the journey toward greater freedom in Christ.
The cost of this study is to be determined. This study is sponsored by Anchorage Evening AGLOW. Please sign up at the information counter, or by callikng Carol Jack at 344-2141.