Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Interpreters Needed for Sunday Services!!!

In an effort to accomodate all of our congregation members, ACC is looking for those who can provide signing and those who can translate for our Spanish speaking parishoners during the services.

If you are interested, please contact the church office at 344-2141.

Host Family Needed!!!

We are looking for a family that has a heart for international ministry and feels led to provide a home for a Christian Korean student that attends UAA. This student is currently working on his citizenship and needs a host family to keep his Visa.

If you are interested, please contact the church office at 344-2141.

"Believing God" Single Women's Bible Study Starts March 12th

Women will learn to not only trust God, but to have unflappable faith to believe He is who He says He is, and that He will do what He says He will do! This study will take women on a personal journey of discovery into what hinders them in believing in their hearts the promises of God.

Beth Moore is a dynamic teacher who doesn't just teach, but puts forth much passion to the women being taught to have true conviction and understanding of who our God really is and what He really does for us.

This study takes place at ACC in room 103 from 6-8pm each Monday for ten weeks. Childcare is provided. The price of the book is to be announced and can be purchased the first night of the class. The group's facilitator is Damito Owen. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

"Having a Mary Spirit" Bible Study Starts March 14th

Do you desire to spend more time at the feet of Jesus? Are you busily doing tasks that hinder your relationship with the Lord? Then this may be the study for you. Participants will seek and discover a more intimate relationship with the Lord. Come gain Biblical insight and learn practical tools to live a joyous life in Christ.

The first study starts at 7pm and will be at ACC and the remainder of the studies will be at Ella Brown's home each Wednesday at 7pm for 9 weeks.
Please call her at 243-9751 for more information and directions to her home.

New Foundations Life Group Starts March 15th

Learn to have freedom in relationships!
This nine week study that is taught on DVD by renowned teacher Art Mathias will teach participants how to have healthy and edifying relationships with yourself and others and yourself and God and to also view yourself in a positive manner.
A study guide and book are optional purchases for $35.
This study takes place at the home of Marlene Dean from 7-8:30 pm each Thursday evening. Sign up at the information counter, or call Marlene at 561-8101 for more information and directions to her home.

Do You have a Testimony?

If you would like to share a testimony about how God has blessed you, please call the church office and leave your name and number, or sign up at the information counter. We would like to record, and even videotape your testimony so you can be a blessing to others.

Recruitment has begun for ACC's Multi-Cultural Band!

If you are gifted in the area of music and can sing in another language, and/or play an instrument, then please call the church office ASAP! We are putting together a multi-cultural worship group that can bless our congregation.

Please stay tuned for more details about this exciting worship team!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Marriage Preparation Course Starts March 27th

Prepare for lifelong marriage with the Marriage Preparation Course being offered by Anchorage City Church and Abbott Loop Community Church starting March 27. The course is designed for engaged couples to help them create a marriage that lasts a lifetime. The $85 course fee covers course materials and dessert. Childcare is available for a $25 additional fee, and there is a $15 discount if paid by March 13.

Participants will have the opportunity to take a test that will show important areas for discussion before the wedding. Privacy as a couple is always respected, and there is no requirement to disclose anything about one’s relationship. The five week course will be held on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM at Anchorage City Church at 1301 W 100th Ave, just off Minnesota.

Pre-registration is required. Contact the ACC church office 344-2141 before March 27 to register. Additional information can be found in the church calendar.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Beth Moore Simulcast at Vineyard Church on February 24th

Come to Vineyard Church on Saturday, Feb 24th to see a live simulcast of Beth Moore speaking about her new study "Get Out of that Pit!" The simulcast is from 9am - 2pm and in lieu of ACC's womens monthly prayer breakfast for February. Tickets for this are $20 and can be purchased at our information counter. The cost includes materials and lunch.

ACC Potluck Gathering - Tuesday, February 20th

Come out from 6-8pm to have a great time of food, games and fellowship time with your church family! Pastor Archibald will be teaching the kids games, and the moms and dads too!

Bring your favorite family dish to share as well as any type of meat you want grilled up! ACC will provide hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks. If you have any suggestions, comments or concerns, please call the church office at 344-2141.

Bike Blessing Kick-Off Meeting is Sunday, February 18th

It's that time of year again!!! We are all geared up to start planning the 2007 Bike Blessing event! If you are interested in heading up a team of volunteers for this event, then this meeting is for you! We will be discussing everything from location site to the colors of the t-shirts.

The meeting starts at 6pm and will go until around 8pm. Dinner will be provided, so please RSVP by calling Carol Jack at 344-2141.

ACC Black History Month Celebration is on Friday, February 16th

Everyone is encouraged to invite friends and family to help ACC celebrate Black History Month on Friday, February 16th from 7-9pm in the Auditorium. The program will feature dance and singing performances, as well as the acknowledgement of Black Americans who have been an instrumental part of our history.

Light refreshments will be served and this is a free event!