Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"Believing God" Single Women's Bible Study Starts March 12th

Women will learn to not only trust God, but to have unflappable faith to believe He is who He says He is, and that He will do what He says He will do! This study will take women on a personal journey of discovery into what hinders them in believing in their hearts the promises of God.

Beth Moore is a dynamic teacher who doesn't just teach, but puts forth much passion to the women being taught to have true conviction and understanding of who our God really is and what He really does for us.

This study takes place at ACC in room 103 from 6-8pm each Monday for ten weeks. Childcare is provided. The price of the book is to be announced and can be purchased the first night of the class. The group's facilitator is Damito Owen. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.