Tuesday, May 01, 2007

ACC Motorcycle Ministry - First Group Prayer and General Ride is May 8th

Anyone who loves to ride motorized two-wheelers is welcome to join us during the summer riding months. All makes of bikes, whether ridden by males or females, young or old, are invited to join us every other week on a Tuesday or Thursday starting May 8th. We will gather at 6:15 in the parking lot of Anchorage City Church located at 100th and Minnesota at for small group prayer prior to beginning our ride. Rides are followed by some fellowship over ice cream, coffee, hot chocolate or maybe even dinner; group rides are usually 2 - 3 hours.

We will schedule two Saturday rides, one on June 23rd to Hope or Seward and one on July 28th perhaps to Sheep Mountain, or Talkeetna, to be determined as the season progresses.

Watch the future events calendar and check out ACC’s website for a full schedule of rides and/or schedule changes or contact us, Jon and Glenda Pokrandt evenings @ 333-8903 or by email at jonglen8903@gci.net or Mike and Barb Rawalt @ 344-1946 or by email mike@accchurch.org

All riders are welcome to join us as we ride the Anchorage streets and pray for our city. We look forward to meeting with you and welcome you on our rides.