Monday, May 14, 2007

Women's Prayer Breakfast - Saturday, May 26th

All women are encouraged to come the Prayer Breakfast from 9-11am. We will have a different agenda this time! We will meet in the Prayer Room for a quick breakfast and then carpool up to Flattop for a prayer time over our city.

At Flattop we will pray for various outreaches within our city, businesses, churches, women's shelters and Lydia House. The prayer time will be from 10-11am. Please sign up at the information counter or call the church office at 344-2141 to leave your name and number. Please remember to wear comfortable shoes and warm clothes.

ACC Fundraising Garage Sale - May 19th

ACC is having a fundraising garage sale on Saturday, May 19th at Lindy and Richard Irwin's home. This garage sale will be part of the annual "Kempton Hills" weekend sale.

ACC is having this fundraiser to purchase two items that are much needed for the church.
The first item is a scissor lift for the auditorium. A scissor lift will help with major repairs that are often done. Having our own scissor lift will cut the costs of renting one.

The other item is a large flat screen TV for the prayer room. There are many seminars, Bible studies and groups that use the prayer room. We need to update our audio visual equipment in that room to accomodate the needs of those using it.

If you would like to donate your gently used items to this fundraiser (including furniture and small appliances), please contact Lindy at 344-7530 to arrange a time to drop off your items at her house during the week of May 14-18th. Items that won't be accepted are:

  • Broken, chipped or cracked items with missing parts

  • Clothes

  • Dime store items

If you would like to help facilitate this garage sale, which means helping Lindy with pricing, organizing and selling items, please call the church office at 344-2141 and leave your name and number.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Biker Sunday is May 6th

On May 6th we will kick off the bike season with “Biker Sunday” at the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services, followed by a meet and greet in the lobby. Meet members of our ACC Motorcycle Ministry group and get information about their fellowship rides.

Come hear about the biker activities and events we have at ACC, and see a great slideshow of our Bike Blessing event that happened on April 28th. So, wear your leathers and bring your friends on Sunday, May 6th.

ACC Motorcycle Ministry - First Group Prayer and General Ride is May 8th

Anyone who loves to ride motorized two-wheelers is welcome to join us during the summer riding months. All makes of bikes, whether ridden by males or females, young or old, are invited to join us every other week on a Tuesday or Thursday starting May 8th. We will gather at 6:15 in the parking lot of Anchorage City Church located at 100th and Minnesota at for small group prayer prior to beginning our ride. Rides are followed by some fellowship over ice cream, coffee, hot chocolate or maybe even dinner; group rides are usually 2 - 3 hours.

We will schedule two Saturday rides, one on June 23rd to Hope or Seward and one on July 28th perhaps to Sheep Mountain, or Talkeetna, to be determined as the season progresses.

Watch the future events calendar and check out ACC’s website for a full schedule of rides and/or schedule changes or contact us, Jon and Glenda Pokrandt evenings @ 333-8903 or by email at or Mike and Barb Rawalt @ 344-1946 or by email

All riders are welcome to join us as we ride the Anchorage streets and pray for our city. We look forward to meeting with you and welcome you on our rides.

Beacon University Class - How to Hear the Voice of God

Come take this exciting journey as this course teaches how you can discern the voice of God for your life. Topics include preparing to hear God, the voice of the Spirit, observation and notation, revelation of dreams and numerology. Emphasis is placed on distinguishing between the right voice and the wrong voices.

Class takes place in room 103 and the class times are:

May 17th - 6:30 - 9:30pm

May 18th - 6:30 - 9:30pm

May 19th - 8:30am - 12:30pm

Please get registration information from Pastor Jim Strutz by calling him at 344-2141 ext. 11 or email him at:

Night of Worship and Prayer - Sunday, May 20th @ the Performing Arts Center

Everyone is welcome to come down to the Atwood Performing Arts Center in downtown Anchorage on 6th Ave at 6pm. Come connect around the throne as all generations pray over and bless the city of Anchorage.

Admission is free and so is parking in the parking garage across from the Atwood theater. This is event is sponsored by the Churches of Anchorage. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

ACC Motorcycle Ministry - May 22nd Prayer and General Ride

Anchorage City Church Motorcycle Ministry
Come out Tuesday at 6:15 for group prayer for Memorial Day Weekend, followed by ride and dine fellowship.
If you would like more information about ACC's Motorcycle Ministry, please contact Jon & Glenda Pokrandt at 333-8903, or Mike and Barb Rawalt at 344-1946.