Sunday, January 20, 2008

Church Fast is January 27th through February 16th

Our focus is to obtain a clear vista and empowerment for our destiny!
Joshua 3:5 – Joshua told the people “consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”

This is a time for our congregation to be praying and fasting for God's direction, provision, health, wisdom and for us to hear and discern what our Heavenly Father is telling us. Pastor Irwin encourages all those in ACC’s congregation to participate in some way.

Some ways to fast:
Water only – no food
Daniel fast – Reference Daniel 10
Fasting specific meals
Fasting specified days
Liquid, juice, vegetable, fruit fast – avoid milkshakes
No television, internet
Note – Check with your doctor about health issues and how fasting would affect you regarding medications etc.

Fasting Particulars – Read Isa. 58, Daniel 9, Neh. 9: 1-3, Ps 35:13, Joel 2:12, Acts .13:2, Mt. 17:21 and Acts 14:23
· Consider taking the money you save on food and donating it to the Soup Kitchen. · One of the purposes of fasting is to spend time in prayer
· Make a prayer list
· Praise Him during your prayer time
· Ask God to expose your sin and to give you the grace for deliverance
· Journal daily things you learn from reading your Bible and what you hear while in prayer

Prayer suggestions:
· Pray for your ability to see and hear from God
· Pray for City Church to be in cadence with the direction of the Holy Spirit
· Pray for our City, State, Nation and other Nations
· Pray for our Military forces around the world
· Pray for our leadership and the elections
· Pray for specific agencies
· Pray for economic growth in every arena – blessing!
· Pray for the Body of Christ, specifically unity
· Pray for families
· Pray for miracles of all kinds
· Pray for people to become followers of Jesus Christ
· Pray for God to show you what your function in ministry is

The church Prayer room will be open from 5:30-7:30pm daily during the fast – we will have specific prayer focuses during that time.

On Sunday, February 17th we will have a share a dish after the 11:00 service.