Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Free to Heal Conference March 12-15th

March 12-15, 2008
Wellspring Ministries
2511 Sentry Drive
Anchorage, AK

ACC Members get $15 off the registration price! Please call the church office to get the discount code.
To register, pick up a brochure at the ACC information counter or call Global Awakening at: 1-866-292-5364

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, he has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering the sight of the blind, to set at liberty those that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” –Luke 4:18-19

Topics Include:
Pursuing the Kingdom
The Biblical Basis for Inner Healing
What is Sin?
The Root Causes of Disease
Bitterness, Rejection, Fear and Anxiety
Teaching and Healing on Specific Diseases
Healing the Whole Person
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Evening Sessions are open to the public as Healing Services, especially to those who need healing!


Randy Clark

On January 20, 1994, this unassuming pastor from St. Louis walked into a small storefront church near the Toronto airport. Originally scheduled for 4 days, his meetings have turned into a worldwide revival that has impacted millions of people in what has become known as the “Toronto Blessing.” Randy was utterly surprised when God began to use him in a powerful healing ministry. What amazed him even more, however, was the fact that the people he touched through the laying on of hands ended up doing even more astonishing things! Now an international speaker, Randy demonstrates the Lord’s sovereign power to heal, with great tenacity. Randy’s anointing in healing is only surpassed by his unmistakable teaching gift. His message is simple: “God wants to use you.”
Randy has been welcomed into a plethora of different streams. He has traveled to over 36 countries and continues to travel extensively to see that God’s mandate on his life be fulfilled.

Art Mathias
Art Mathias is the founder of Wellspring Ministries, a non-profit organization focused on bringing healing to broken heats and bodies through powerful seminars. Art has earned masters and doctorate degrees in counseling. He travels extensively teaching and demonstrating a powerful God that has answers. By applying scriptural principals in his own life, Art received physical healing for over 100 allergens and neuropathies. Art removed from his life years of bitterness and anger he had from his past. During this process, he experienced miraculous healing of a major medical condition that had mystified some of the best medical doctors in the world. Art brings new revelation on biblical truths regarding the relationship between sin and disease, forgiveness, and the spiritual roots of sickness. Art’s passion is to see others experience the same freedom and healing that God worked in his life and teach people how to minister that healing to others.

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson is one of the most prolific teachers in the Body of Christ today. Through his powerful teachings, he is molding an entire generation of believers. His revelatory messages illuminate the hearts and minds of believers, and inspire the hearer to invade Earth with heaven’s realities. He is a fifth generation preacher whose influences can be traced back to such renowned ministers as Smith Wiggelsworth and Aimee Semple McPherson. He leads a dynamic church in Redding, CA , known for healings, signs and wonders. He is also the author of the best-selling books, When Heaven Invades Earth and Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind.

Doors open at 8 am the first day and 8:30 am each day after that.

Wednesday – Saturday:
8:45 am – Worship
9 am – Session 1
10 am – Session 2
11 am – Session 3
12:30 pm – LUNCH BREAK
2:30 pm – Session 4
3:30 pm – Session 5
7 pm – Healing Service

(Rate includes $25 manual)

Registration (Until March 3rd): $110 individual, $195 per married couple
At the Door Registration: $125 individual, $225 per married couple

*Discounts available for groups of 10 or more people, call 1-866-AWAKENING to register groups (office hours are M-F, 9-5 EST).
*Daily rates available on-site
*Pre-registration closes March 3, 2008 at midnight EST. After March 3 you may register at the door.

Lodging Information
*Mention "Global Awakening" to receive group rate. Room blocks will be released March 1st. Please call ahead of time for best rate and availability