Friday, October 10, 2008

Unusually Important Churchwide Fast Oct 12 – 19

This is a sobering time we live in, a season to be prayerful and watchful of what the Lord is saying. As a church we hold a week long fast tri-yearly. Through fasting we disrupt our regular routines, sacrifice through self-denial and we purpose to pray over the things that are important to God. We will list the specific prayer points that we are focusing on to keep on hand as you are fasting. Thank you for joining us in this special time of hearing from God and declaring that we are not of this world, even while we are still in this world!

Here is what you can do:
  • Choose the method of fasting that you can commit to and then stick with it!
  • Join with us at the church building each evening, Mon - Sat, from 5:30PM to 7PM for prayer. We will be meeting nightly in the prayer room
  • Break our fast together on Sunday the 19th after the second service with soup and salads. If you would like specific instruction on what you can bring, go by your last name! If it ends in A-L bring a soup. If it ends in M-S bring a salad or Bread. If it ends in a T-Z please bring a side dish or a dessert. The church will provide the drinks and utensils.
  • PLEASE Bring Food to donate to the Food Shelf!

Prayer Focus - Preparation for coming season

1. Our Nation
* The elections
* Economy
2. Our Church
* Direction and wisdom for ministry expansion
* Release of miracles
* Financial Provision
* Increased number of Youth Group leaders
3. Individually
* Personal & family spiritual transformations

You can view and print this information about the church fast if you wish.