Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Healing the Heart Schedule for 2009

"And the LORD said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said the LORD, behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people. . ." - AMOS 7:8 (KJV)

"Healing the hurts of the past that effect us today."

Healing The Heart is designed to give a person an understanding of why they cope with pain, disappointments, insecurities and ambitions in the ways that they do. These teachings deal with wounds and hurts that we have all received in life and how they have affected our personalities. Biblically based, it's practical benefits are immeasurable to those who choose to open themselves to the Holy Spirit. This workshop has been liberating, healing and helpful to many people.

Healing The Heart is an intensive teaching of biblical principles and truths aimed at helping us understand why we are like we are and to expose the deceptions that have influenced our behavior. Healing The Heart is concluded with an application time in which you will be given an opportunity to apply these principles to your own life through self disclosure. No child care is provided for the workshop. It is recommended that married couples take Healing The Heart together, if possible but it's not a requirement.

The Healing The Heart workshop will consist of a series of lectures, videos and personal ministry dealing with the wounds and hurts that we all receive in life and how they affect our personalities. It is designed to help you understand yourself, you disappointments, you insecurities, your ambitions, and how you can more effectively serve God.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." - Proverbs 4:23


2:00pm-6:30pm Anchorage City Church
6:30pm-10:30pm Anchorage City Church
6:30pm-10:30pm Anchorage City Church
6:30pm-11:00pm Anchorage City Church
6:00pm Retreat location to be announced
All Day Retreat location to be announced
All morning until Sunday afternoon Retreat location to be announced

Cost for the workshop is $150.00 per person, which is including a Healing The Heart handbook, meals and lodging for the ministry weekend retreat. A non-refundable $50.00-per-person deposit is required upon application and will be applied toward the total cost of the workshop. The balance is due before the first day of the course. Limited financial aid may be available for those in special need.

For more information please feel free contact Roger or Pam Schoeniger (344-2141) or email the church office. An application form and understanding/commitment form is also required.