Saturday, January 10, 2009

Spiritual Life Survey

Anchorage City Church is taking part in the "Spiritual Life Survey" which will help church leaders learn important details on what helps us grow spiritually and what hinders it.

The anonymous survey is available only via the web. No name or email information is collected during the survey, and the results will only be available to the church as an aggregate of responses.

The survey is open to us from January 10th through late January. Results will be available about a month after the survey closes. We will share key findings from the survey with the congregation.

Each Sunday during the survey, we will provide information on how to access the survey. It takes 30-45 minutes for each person. We will also be emailing everyone who is part of our church with access information. We are encouraging everyone who calls Anchorage City Church home to take the survey.

Please help with this important mechanism for helping us design a spiritual growth strategy that fits us!