Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thursday Night Summer Small Groups

Every Thursday night, from June 10 through August 12, we will gather at 6pm for a potluck dinner. (The only exception will be July 22nd, when we will take the week off for the kids' vacation bible school.)

The food theme of the week will posted on our Facebook wall on Monday or Tuesday. This week is bring your favorite dish.
We will have a short time of singing after the dinner, and then we will disperse throughout the building for various small groups and meetings. There will be 4 different groups to choose from:

- Nooma: short DVD teachings from Rob Bell about life, faith, and the heart. Open to anyone and everyone. Led by Lori Rowley
- Theology Discussion Group: investigating a deeper understanding of the Christian faith. Topics will include Christology, Ecclesiology, Bibliology and Hermeneutics, etc. Open to anyone and everyone. Led by Max Ingalls
- Spanish Language Bible Study: learning about the truth and power of God's word en Español. Led by Victor Romero
- Song of Solomon: short DVD teachings from Mark Driscoll about sex and relationships. This group is intended for married or engaged couples primarily, due to the content and application of the material. Led by Aaron & Erin Lynn Gray.

Childcare provided up to 8 years old. All will be asked to help take a few minutes for cleaning before we close down for the evening. If you have any questions please call the church office @ 344-2141

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fathers Day Simulcast

On June 20th we will be joining with Muldoon Community
Church in a simulcast service. Our fathers will be encouraged
by a message from Frank Harrison, fourth generation Chairman
of the Board and CEO of Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
This message will also be a special blessing for businesses as well
as Supervisors, CEO’s and Co-Workers.

Normal service times, 930am and 12pm, here at City Church.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dale Sides: Mending The Cracks In The Soul

Dale M. Sides will be teaching how the Holy Spirit can bring healing to
painful experiences of the past, remove the roots of dysfunction, and
mend the cracks in our souls. Being both strongly rooted in theology
and experience this class will be an invaluable resource to those seeking
freedom and to those who minister healing. Tuesday, June 15th 7-9pm
here at City Church. Call the church office if you have any questions, 344-2141.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday Night Summer Small Groups

Every Thursday night, from June 10 through August 12, we will gather at 6pm for a potluck dinner. (The only exception will be July 22nd, when we will take the week off for the kids' vacation bible school.)

The food theme of the week will posted on our Facebook wall on Monday or Tuesday. This week is bring your favorite dish.

We will have a short time of singing after the dinner, and then we will disperse throughout the building for various small groups and meetings. There will be 4 different groups to choose from:

- Nooma: short DVD teachings from Rob Bell about life, faith, and the heart. Open to anyone and everyone. Led by Lori Rowley
- Theology Discussion Group: investigating a deeper understanding of the Christian faith. Topics will include Christology, Ecclesiology, Bibliology and Hermeneutics, etc. Open to anyone and everyone. Led by Max Ingalls
- Spanish Language Bible Study: learning about the truth and power of God's word en Español. Led by Victor Romero
- Song of Solomon: short DVD teachings from Mark Driscoll about sex and relationships. This group is intended for married or engaged couples primarily, due to the content and application of the material. Led by Aaron & Erin Lynn Gray.

Childcare provided up to 8 years old. All will be asked to help take a few minutes for cleaning before we close down for the evening. If you have any questions please call Kristal @ 344-2141

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Blood Drive This Saturday

BLOOD DRIVE @ City Church ! ! !


The Blood Bank of AK and City Church join forces!

On June 12th from 11AM-4PM come party with your friends to the RiDE4LiFE, this is an event for the whole community, bikers will get a patch for their vest/jacket at time of donation. There will be good food, drinks and music for everyone.

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Contact the church at 344-2141.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Abbott Loop Christian Schools Reunion Rendezvous

Let The Good Times Roll!
Come join alumni, former students, teachers, coaches, family and friends for a weekend of fun!
June 25th and 26th, 2010

Friday, June 25th
Family Picnic at Kincaid Park
4-7pm - Adults $15, kids free
Games, contests, karaoke, hamburgers and hot dogs. Bring a dish if you'd like for the best recipes contest! Alumni basketball at the school afterwards.

Saturday, June 26th
Rendezvous Ball at the Sheraton
5-10pm - Adults and older kids $60
A party for dinner and dancing. Dress up or come as you are! or contact Darcy Knight - 800.382.2230

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Spruce Trees Rising

Small spruce trees are now rising along the north edge of the Anchorage City Church property thanks to Mike Rawalt and Gary Schade and a crack team of tree planters. The 28 trees are planted just inside the boundary and about 10 feet apart, with a couple of large gaps for storing parking lot snow. In addition to Mike and Gary, the tree planting team consisted of Bob M. Connie, Tak, Syn, Mike, Karlyn, David, Bryan, Jim, Barb, Bob F. and MaryEllen. The team finished the job early Saturday afternoon.

Alaska Trailblazing was kind enough to donate several loads of topsoil and one of mulch. It was perfect....the soil along the north boundary is almost as tough as old buffalo hide. Gabe N. came twice with a backhoe to dig holes....saving the planting team hours of hard work.

The trees must now be watered about every three days for the next two weeks. If you would like to take a "watering shift" or two please call or email the City Church office (344-2141) to sign up.

The trees were planted as part of municipal requirement that requires that we eventually complete a landscape buffer around the perimeter of the property. They were purchased at a discount last fall, and held over the winter in a mulch pile for planting this spring.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Hearing the Voice of God starts Sunday

Learn to hear the Lord God speaking to you. This intensive week-long seminar helps you experience His voice yourself. Topics ~ Spirit Language – Benefits of Fasting – Hindrances to Hearing – God’s Voice in Scripture – Dream Interpretation – Prophecy – Prayer Diaries – Centering Prayer – How Personality Affects Listening – Hearing God in Nature. The teaching sessions are held throughout the week at Anchorage City Church Church starting on Sunday afternoon from 2:15 PM to 7:15 PM. Then Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM. The Weekend retreat meets at a retreat location on Saturday 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM and Sunday 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Cost ~ The cost of the workshop is $120.00 per person. There is a $40.00 non-refundable deposit, with the remaining balance due before the workshop begins. This includes a workbook and meals during the retreat weekend. You can register online or, call ACC and ask for Roger Schoeniger at 344-2141.

Hearing the Voice of God Dates:
June 6-13, Sept 19-26, Nov 7-14