Saturday, June 05, 2010

Spruce Trees Rising

Small spruce trees are now rising along the north edge of the Anchorage City Church property thanks to Mike Rawalt and Gary Schade and a crack team of tree planters. The 28 trees are planted just inside the boundary and about 10 feet apart, with a couple of large gaps for storing parking lot snow. In addition to Mike and Gary, the tree planting team consisted of Bob M. Connie, Tak, Syn, Mike, Karlyn, David, Bryan, Jim, Barb, Bob F. and MaryEllen. The team finished the job early Saturday afternoon.

Alaska Trailblazing was kind enough to donate several loads of topsoil and one of mulch. It was perfect....the soil along the north boundary is almost as tough as old buffalo hide. Gabe N. came twice with a backhoe to dig holes....saving the planting team hours of hard work.

The trees must now be watered about every three days for the next two weeks. If you would like to take a "watering shift" or two please call or email the City Church office (344-2141) to sign up.

The trees were planted as part of municipal requirement that requires that we eventually complete a landscape buffer around the perimeter of the property. They were purchased at a discount last fall, and held over the winter in a mulch pile for planting this spring.