Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday Night Summer Small Groups

The food theme for this week is CASSEROLE!
We will have a short time of singing after the dinner, and then we will disperse throughout the building for various small groups and meetings. There will be 4 different groups to choose from:

- Nooma: short DVD teachings from Rob Bell about life, faith, and the heart. Open to anyone and everyone. Led by Lori Rowley
- Theology Discussion Group: investigating a deeper understanding of the Christian faith. Topics will include Christology, Ecclesiology, Bibliology and Hermeneutics, etc. Open to anyone and everyone. Led by Max Ingalls
- Spanish Language Bible Study: learning about the truth and power of God's word en EspaƱol. Led by Victor Romero
- Song of Solomon: short DVD teachings from Mark Driscoll about sex and relationships. This group is intended for married or engaged couples primarily, due to the content and application of the material. Led by Aaron & Erin Lynn Gray.

Childcare provided up to 8 years old. All will be asked to help take a few minutes for cleaning before we close down for the evening. If you have any questions please call the church office @ 344-2141