Friday, September 03, 2010

City Life

I am excited to tell you about a recent City Church communications improvement -- a newsletter named City Life. You can see it by following this link to the PDF document. We designed it so you can read it online or print it out. We’ll have a limited number of copies of the newsletter at the information counter for a few weeks for those with limited Internet access.

Here’s what you’ll find in the September 2010 issue

Small Group Season is here
Technology Update
Mom’s Club Beacon Hill: A Light in a Dark Place
Vineyard Early Learning Center Opens
New Direction Resource Center: back in session
Pastor’s Corner
Children’s Ministries Update
Calendar (you can also see the calendar on the church website)

I think you’ll be pleased with the work of the newsletter team led by Rachel Irwin. It's a very nice glimpse of some of what is happening at City Church right now. I know Rachel would like to hear from you if you are interested in being involved in future editions, and she would be pleased to have your suggestions for improving future issues. You can contact her at
