Wednesday, December 01, 2010

New Edition of City Life Available Now

The City Church newsletter team finished their second edition of City Life earlier today. Here it is, hot off the presses!

In this issue:

  • Quiet Center - A poem by Barb Rawalt
  • The Gift - A note from the editor
  • Alaska House of Prayer news
  • Updates: Beacon Hill, Reason Youth Group, Emergency Homeless Shelter
  • Churches of Anchorage
  • The Alaska Sudan Medical Project
  • Labor of Love - Michael and Debbie Jacobson
  • City Church Business Report
  • Pastors' Corner - Community by Lead Pastor Richard Irwin
  • Women's Ministry note
  • Daycare now serving toddlers

As always, we are very much interested in your reactions, observations, suggestions....and even compliments. :)

If you are part of the City Church family, and you did not receive this notice by email, we can send notifications by email when newsletters are published. If that's you, please contact the church office and let us know you would like to be added to the list.