Monday, March 28, 2011

Richard Irwin - Transitions

Richard Irwin - Transitions from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Lead Pastor Richard Irwin provided this brief message on video to describe some important transitions at Anchorage City Church. He had talked about this earlier in his message of March 13 but wanted to say it again for those who might have missed it then.

The first transition is that Pastor David Johnson is moving into a new role designed to ramp up pastoral care at City Church. Second, Pastor Rich Irwin will take the Executive Pastor position in which he will lead the day-to-day programs of the church and the staff. Lead Pastor Richard Irwin will continue to provide overall church leadership.

No other staff positions are changing at this time. However, the third transition will come later this year as Pastor Aaron Gray will be moving with his family to the Seattle area for additional training in ministry, specifically as it relates to church planting. Aaron spoke briefly about the changes coming up for him and his family at the beginning of the message on March 27 and also in his blog as well.