Friday, May 06, 2011

Turn Up the Heat on Your Marriage This Summer

Yes, you CAN turn up the heat on your marriage! Join us during eight weeks in June and July for The Marriage Course.

This is an eight week course designed to help any marriage improve. Whether your marriage is a "10" or a "3", you'll find these sessions practical and encouraging for the two of you. The course is open to every married couple whether part of City Church or not.

The sessions will be concurrent with Thursday Nights at ACC, our mid-week summer gatherings during June and July. Each evening will consist of a potluck dinner with the large group gathered in the City Church auditorium. After dinner, we'll go to the classroom for teaching and couple interaction. Each session includes practical exercises that man and wife go through quietly together.

There is a $15/person class fee that covers the cost of materials. The fee is only $10/person with online registration and payment before June 2nd. Childcare will be available. Read more about the course on the ACC website. Class size is limited to 12 couples, so please register early.