Friday, October 28, 2011

Get More from each Week's ACC Sermons

After each week's sermon, ACC is now producing and publishing a one-page discussion guide.  The purpose of these guides is to extend the value of the sermon to those who want to reflect further on what has been preached.

The guides are useful for both small group discussion and individual study and reflection.  You can find these guides early each week on the Anchorage City Church website. They are in an easy-to-print format.

Evidently they are interesting to our church family and the many others who listen online.  Since we began producing these guides in mid-August, there have been more than 600 downloads!

Want to be part of the team that produces these these each week?  It's an opportunity to serve others who want to deepen their discipleship.  If you would like to serve on the team, please contact David Johnson at the church office 344-2141 or contact him via email.

Here is an example from last Sunday:

The Main Point
It is time for us to step into our God-appointed purposes because we are in desperate need of leaders with backbone in all areas of our culture.

Life Application
When the Lord shows you the purposes for which He has raised you up, do what you need to do: tear down altars to idols; build a new one to the LORD your God and step out with courage into your calling.  This is not a time for compromise, it is a time for boldness!

Scriptures that relate to this message
  • Judges 6,  the story of Gideon
Some Questions for Discussion
  • The children of Israel struggled with syncretism, which in their case meant adding portions of the belief systems of the people around them to the unadulterated Word of God they received from Him via Moses.  In what ways do we struggle with syncretism today?
  • The LORD said to Gideon to tear down his father’s altar to Baal and his Asherah pole (6:25-26) and to build a proper altar.  We don’t have Baal altars and Asherah poles, but there are idols in our lives today.  What are they and how can we tear them down in our lives?  
  • In every family there are good things to pass on to the next generation.  But there are also things to “pull down” so that they are not passed to the next generation.  What needs to be pulled down in your family?
  • What has God put in your heart that you are afraid to do?  How can you step into your calling?