Wednesday, December 14, 2011

City Church Men: See Courageous on Friday, Dec 30

Guys: Anchorage City Church Men's Ministry invites you to dinner and a showing of Courageous, the movie, on Friday evening, December 30, at 7 PM.  You are welcome to bring your own young men (age 13 or older) or other young men as guests.  There is no charge, but donations to defray costs are welcome.  It is not necessary to be part of Anchorage City Church to participate.

Courageous is a landmark film about becoming the fathers God wants us all to be.  It's an exciting, fast-moving story, and we believe it will inspire your heart and encourage you toward  the next steps in your own journey of manhood.

While there is no cost, advance registration is necessary so we can prepare enough meals.  To register, please email and tell us how many are coming (e.g. I am coming and my 15 year old son and his friend are coming).

Please let us know you are coming no later than Wednesday, December 28!