Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Anchorage City Church To Ordain Women

Anchorage City Church has a history of ordaining women ministers. However, that ordination action was never to recognize Eph. 4:11 - gifts in the ordination process. The historical thought was that only men could be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. The elders of City Church have come to the conviction that recognizing the Eph.4 gifts in women is a very important action to take in the full releasing of ministries in our church.

This is from the first page of Women's Ministry, a document that describes City Church's journey in coming to its first ordination of a woman as a pastor.

You can read the entire 10 page document (PDF) here. We also talked about this issue at a special church family meeting on June 11, 2006. You can listen to an MP3 recording of that meeting here.