Thursday, June 22, 2006

New Directions Moves into ACC's Building Saturday, June 24th

New Direction is a youth-oriented Christian church that was founded in 1996. They are a local church body based in Anchorage, Alaska. They are not part of a specific denomination but consider themselves to be a part of the larger universal Church which is comprised of all sincere followers of Jesus Christ.


They believe that the entire duty of mankind is summed up in two very simple commands - "Love God wholeheartedly and love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:34-40). To live this out in sincerity is the essence of the Christian life. They believe that God loves the entire human race and that He has offered forgiveness and blessing to all who sincerely seek Him (John 3:16 and Romans 10:12-13).

Some of New Direction's goals are:
  • To develop a Christian community made up of diverse people that are committed to loving God and loving each other.
  • To be a sincere representation of God's grace and mercy to people who don't know Him.
  • To build bridges with counter-culture youth that will enable us to speak God's words of life and hope to them.
  • To extend God's healing touch to hurting people.
  • To be obedient to Jesus' command to make disciples by teaching people how to follow Christ and live a life that is pleasing to Him.
If you can help New Direction with their move, please contact ACC at 344-2141.

ACC is excited about this blessed union between our church and New Direction. We are looking forward to doing God's work together.