Monday, July 03, 2006

Anchorage City Church Now On iTunes

iTunes, the popular music download program from Apple now carries Anchorage City Church sermons. This will allow iTunes users all over the world to easily subscribe to sermons and other audio information free from ACC.

One advantage of iTunes is that it automates the process of downloading audio information from the Internet and then uploading it to an iPod or other similar devices.

iTunes users can find "Good News from Anchorage City Church" in the "Podcast Directory." To find it, launch iTunes and click on "Podcasts" on the left side menu. Click "Podcast Directory" at the bottom of the window. Within the Podcast Directory there is a search box on the left side. Enter "Anchorage City Church" and press .

You can subscribe by clicking on the gray "subscribe" button. By subscribing, you can see the entire list of available sermons. Press "update" in the upper right at any time to see if new audio material is available. Press the gray "get" button to download a sermon. If you have an iPod or similar device, you can then easily upload the sermon for later listening.