Monday, July 10, 2006

Jr. & Sr. High Summer Camp - July 28th - July 31st

Jr. and Sr. High schoolers are encouraged to come to North Star Bible Camp and experience the presence of God as we seek after Him together. Campers will leave City Church at 4:30 pm on the the 28th and return on the 31st @ 1:30 pm to City Church.

A Delightful Attitude
Clothes (4 day supply) & Two pairs of shoes
Toiletries (Especially deodorant)
Sleeping bag & pillow
Mosquito repellent & Sunscreen Bible and Notepad
Camera & snacks
Towel & Swim suit (modest please)

Don't bring:
Anything Illegal
Radios, TVs
MP3s, IPods
DVD Players, Walkmans

Camp cost is $125 and the food and lodging are excellent! Please call Pastor Shane at 344-2141 for more information. North Star Bible Camp's # is 495-6378. See ya there!