Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Year's Eve Worship, Prayer and Candlelight Service

Everyone is encouraged to come out for a night of prayer and worship as we celebrate what God has done throughout the year. There will be different worship teams playing throughout the evening, and Pastor Irwin will be saying a special prayer when we begin the candlelight portion of the service.

This service will take place from 6-9pm on Sunday, December 31st. Complimentary cookies and coffee will be served.

Monday, December 18, 2006

New Foundations Bible Study Starts January 11th

Come be a part of this study as you learn about healing relationships between you & God, you and others, as well as the inner struggles we all go through. This study is a Wellspring Seminar on DVD. Join others on Thursdays at 7pm for 9 weeks. Purchasing of materials is optional for this study. Book is $5 and study guide is $10. Please sign up at the information counter. This study will take place at the home of Marlene Dean- 3211 E. 41st Ave, #3 (off of Tudor between Piper & Dale Street). Contact number is 561-8101.

Youth Winter Camp - Jan 12th - 15th

All Junior and Senior High youth are invited to come have a fun time at North Star Bible Camp. Departure time is at 4pm on the 12th from the church, and everyone will return at 1pm on the 15th. Please access the Youth page on the website for more information. Please call Pastor Shane on or before January 7th to register.

ACC Ordination Information

The ACC Elders have voted to ordain Mike Rawalt as a Deacon. Our custom is to ask for comments or concerns that could affect this ordination. if you have any comments, please contact Pastor Richard via email or by leaving a phone message.

Friday, December 15, 2006

This Christmas Give the Gift of a Strong Marriage

You can build a strong and joyful marriage that lasts a lifetime. The Marriage Course is designed to help you and your mate do just that. It is the gift you can give each other that will keep on giving, year after year after year. And, if you have children, it is a gift you can give them as well. Your strong marriage will profoundly impact your childrens lives and their destiny.

Join dozens of other couples in an eight week course that has a track record of transforming marriages, including some right here at Anchorage City Church. The Marriage Course is an internationally recognized teaching for every marriage, whether in dangerous waters or sailing on smooth seas.

Each evening consists of simple but powerful teaching and private husband / wife discussion and exercises. The course is based on Bible principles but is helpful to people with or without a Christian background or church experience.

The course is just $100 for all eight evenings, and includes supper, childcare and course materials. Course meetings are on Friday evenings, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM starting January 12 and running through March 9, 2007 (except March 2).

You can find out more details about the course from the Anchorage City Church Calendar, from the Marriage Course USA website, or by calling the City Church office at 344-2141.

Please register no later than January 7, 2007. Early registration is advised because space is limited to the first 50 couples to sign up. Please register with the ACC Church office during normal office hours.

Note to you who are not yet married: we have a course for you, too. It is the Marriage Preparation Course. It starts in late March.

Men, if you are looking for a present for your wife this Christmas, you can't beat this one!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

There Will Not be a Women's Prayer Breakfast in December

The next Breakfast will be January 27th from 9-11am in the ACC Prayer Room. Registration will take place January 7th. Please stay tuned for additional details.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Angel Tree Recipients please sign up before December 6th!!!

Please call the church office to sign your child, or children up to receive a gift from the Angel Tree. For more details and to sign up, call Carol Jack at 344-2141.

ACC Carpoolers Needed!

If you are able to provide rides to church for individuals in the area you live in, please sign up at the information counter. You will be contacted shortly regarding rides needed.

ACC Business Directory Coming Soon!

If you are interested in having your business listed in the ACC Business Directory, please list your business at the information counter. This will enable us to help promote and pray for your business.

December 17th - Gift Baskets for Sale at ACC

Ladies...come prepared on December 17th to purchase gift baskets with contents ranging from chocolates and popcorn to gift certificates and luxurious soaps. All proceeds from the basket sales go to the Lydia House in Eagle River. The Lydia House assists women who are transitioning out of prison.

For more information, please call Janice Ridgeway at 344-2141.

Pre-Service Prayer is Back!!!

Come welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit as we enter into prayer. Times are every Sunday from 8:30-9:00, and 10:30-11:00 am in room 103. Please call Karen Fink at 346-8203 if you would like more information about this powerful time of prayer.

ACC's Angel Tree

Each year ACC wants to bless our children and families in need. If you are in need and would like your child or children (under 18) to be blessed or, if you know of a family in need of a Holiday basket (turkey or ham and all the trimmings for a holiday dinner), please call the church office at 344-2141 to sign them up to get blessed.

Be a Blessing...
If you are able to bless a child at ACC, please pick an angel tag off of the large tree in the lobby. The tags have the name of a child and their gender, age and gift they would like. Please return the unwrapped gift to the office, or to the information counter during service times on Sundays, before December 20th.

If you are able to provide a ham or turkey for the Holiday baskets, please call the church office at 344-2141.

Thank you for giving!

New Year's Eve Worship Night and Candlelight Service

New Year's Eve we will have a great time of worship as we bring in the new year with various bands from ACC! Come prepared to sing your heart out to the Lord from 9pm until midnight.

We will also have a candlelight service as we remember the blessings God has bestowed upon us all year as well as give God thanks for all the blessings to come in the new year. Light refreshments will be available. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

ACC Christmas Program - December 23rd & 24th

ACC Christmas Program Extravaganza
December 23rd - 7pm
December 24th - 9am & 11am
Come out to see and hear the story and events surrounding Christ's birth like you never have before. Join us for this multi-cultural play that puts a unique spin on traditional Christmas programs. Saturday evening we will have light refreshments in the lobby for everyone to enjoy. Sunday morning we will have a brunch of pastries, croissants and juice available between the two services. Invite your friends and family to enjoy this exciting program.