Friday, December 15, 2006

This Christmas Give the Gift of a Strong Marriage

You can build a strong and joyful marriage that lasts a lifetime. The Marriage Course is designed to help you and your mate do just that. It is the gift you can give each other that will keep on giving, year after year after year. And, if you have children, it is a gift you can give them as well. Your strong marriage will profoundly impact your childrens lives and their destiny.

Join dozens of other couples in an eight week course that has a track record of transforming marriages, including some right here at Anchorage City Church. The Marriage Course is an internationally recognized teaching for every marriage, whether in dangerous waters or sailing on smooth seas.

Each evening consists of simple but powerful teaching and private husband / wife discussion and exercises. The course is based on Bible principles but is helpful to people with or without a Christian background or church experience.

The course is just $100 for all eight evenings, and includes supper, childcare and course materials. Course meetings are on Friday evenings, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM starting January 12 and running through March 9, 2007 (except March 2).

You can find out more details about the course from the Anchorage City Church Calendar, from the Marriage Course USA website, or by calling the City Church office at 344-2141.

Please register no later than January 7, 2007. Early registration is advised because space is limited to the first 50 couples to sign up. Please register with the ACC Church office during normal office hours.

Note to you who are not yet married: we have a course for you, too. It is the Marriage Preparation Course. It starts in late March.

Men, if you are looking for a present for your wife this Christmas, you can't beat this one!