Sunday, December 03, 2006

ACC's Angel Tree

Each year ACC wants to bless our children and families in need. If you are in need and would like your child or children (under 18) to be blessed or, if you know of a family in need of a Holiday basket (turkey or ham and all the trimmings for a holiday dinner), please call the church office at 344-2141 to sign them up to get blessed.

Be a Blessing...
If you are able to bless a child at ACC, please pick an angel tag off of the large tree in the lobby. The tags have the name of a child and their gender, age and gift they would like. Please return the unwrapped gift to the office, or to the information counter during service times on Sundays, before December 20th.

If you are able to provide a ham or turkey for the Holiday baskets, please call the church office at 344-2141.

Thank you for giving!