Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Abbott Loop and Anchorage City Church Reunion

June 19th - 22nd

Over 125 ministers from all over America and many other countries are gathering this month for a “family reunion.” This reunion is for anyone who has a history with ALCC & ACC or is interested in knowing about the history.

Schedule of Events:
Thursday, June 197 p.m. at Abbott Loop
including GM serviceOur Heritage Through WorshipSpecial prayer for youth

Friday, June 20
10 a.m. at Anchorage City Church - Testimonies and Sharing
7 p.m. at Anchorage City Church - Message by Dick Benjamin

Saturday, June 21
10 a.m. at Abbott Loop Message by Dick Strutz
7 p.m. at Abbott Loop - Message by Dick Iverson, Ministers Fellowship International

Sunday, June 22
10:30 a.m. Sunday service at Abbott Loop - Message by Dick Iverson
7 p.m. at Abbott Loop - Message by Rick Benjamin & Richard Irwin
(There will be lunches on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for ministers attendingthe reunion only.)