Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Women's Bible Study Update

Women's Tuesday Night Bible Study
Starts June 10th & Ends July 12th
6:30 - 8:00pm
Cost is $10 for materials
(How to manage your money will not cost anything. Participants will not need a book for that particular study)

Each group will be doing a different lesson! The first night we will meet corporately at 6:30pm in the prayer room for worship, introductions, light snacks and beverages and study overviews. We will then break into our groups. The following weeks we will meet with our groups first for one hour and then join one another in the prayer room for worship.

Please sign up at the information counter, or call Janice Ridgeway at the church at 344-2141 ext 17 to register.

Led by Janice Ridgeway...
This study reiteres why it is vitally important that your money management habits reflect what the Bible says. You will discover how the Holy Spirit can renew your mind and help you live every day of your life as Jesus would have. Drawing upon Scripture, prayer and the examples set by Jesus; you will overcome rejection, guilt, fear,worry and discouragement. This insightful guide will lead you in your journey and inspire your heart to follow God's word and change the way you think, act and feel about yourself and others.

Co-led by Carol Jack and Hazel Blackmore...
Become more like your father. God wants to "transform you into his likeness with ever increasing glory" (2 Cor. 3:18). But how does it happen? Can you really be like Him? This study will guide you in your quest to know your heavenly Father better and to become more like Him. Explore God's attributes as revealed as His Word , His mercy, faithfulness, wisdom and love. Learn who He is and the steps you can take to live your life as a child of God.

Led by Terri Thurston...
This study exposes the characteristics, contributors, causes, contagion and cure for false shame. False shame is built on lies and its only remedy is God's truth. This study is the result of Marie Power's personal encounter with her own feelings of false shame. Her purpose in writing this study is to uncover the roots of shame and help believers cut themselves free from the subtle lies of the accuser and discover the God's truth.

Led by Varanda Huffman...
You will discover how the Holy Spirit can renew your mind and help you live every day of your life as Jesus would have. Drawing upon Scripture, prayer and the examples set by Jesus; you will overcome rejection, guilt, fear,worry and discouragement. This insightful guide will lead you in your journey and inspire your heart to follow God's word and change the way you think, act and feel about yourself and others.