Sunday, May 25, 2008

Anchorage Vineyard Church Merging With ACC!

On June 15, 2008, Anchorage Vineyard Christian Fellowship is merging with Anchorage City Church. Both congregations will begin meeting at ACC starting on that date. We at ACC are excited to welcome our brothers and sisters from the Vineyard!

Senior Pastor Richard Irwin will lead the combined churches. Pastors Roger and Pam Schoeniger will come on staff at ACC and will continue to serve in the newly united ministry in those areas of their passion and gifting. Other staff and ministry leaders will also be integrated into the combined fellowship.

Pastor Irwin has written a congregational letter about this exciting development and you can read about it online here. You will also be able to listen to Pastor Irwin's message on this via the web or iTunes by May 30th.

There will be a Q&A meeting about the integration on May 29 during the regular Thursday evening service at ACC.