Wednesday, August 13, 2008

From the Pastor's Heart

Dear Family,

Be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you. 1 Sam.12:24

First of all, 1 want to say thank you to Jesus for the way He continues to provide and guide us as we move forward in faith towards God's purposes as a congregation.
In the past we have used what is called "From the Pastors Heart" as a written communication tool to keep the congregation apprised of what is happening at City Church. I am reviving that method of communication because 1 will be gone for a few weeks on a motorcycle trip, to Milwaukee, Wis. and then to Seattle. I would appreciate your prayers.

There is a noticeable increase in attendance in our weekend services. Some of the increase is part of the Vineyard Church integration and others have chosen to come at "coincidently" the same time. We are honored that all of you have made thechoice to be at City Church. We believe that God has great blessings in store for all of us as we work together with one heart, one mind and one purpose.

In the past few years we have made a concerted effort to engage in ministry beyond the four walls of the City Church building. While our Special Event efforts continue to bear fruit, we continually emphasize and encourage all of you to be people of influence wherever God has placed you; in your family, neighborhood, school, marketplace, recreation, etc. With that in mind, we are praying and listening for God's direction in the expansion of all ministries. During our church-wide fast, in January, the Lord spoke one word to me, "decentralize." The definition of that word is to reorganize by distributing authority to smaller local units.

Read the entire letter (PDF) >>>