Monday, August 11, 2008

Build Your Marriage This Fall

Build up your marriage this fall with The Marriage Course, an eight-week class that will give your marriage new directions.

The Monday evening course starts on September 22 at 7 PM each evening and combines good teaching, humor, a special dessert, and exercises to strengthen what you are learning. There is no requirement to share with anyone other than your spouse.

Read more about this course and others on our marriage ministry page. The course is $37.50 per person, and includes workbooks and dessert each evening. You can register and pay online. Childcare is provided. Donations to defray childcare expenses are gratefully accepted.

Here's what one couple had to say about the course.

Whatever the state of your marriage, we believe you will find as over 200 have before you that the Marriage Course will simply make your lives together better. Sign up today!