Monday, April 27, 2009

Women's Luncheon May 30

  • Fabulous Cuisine
  • Door Prizes
  • Special Speaker

That's the lineup for the Anchorage City Church Women's Luncheon scheduled for 11 AM on Saturday, May 30th!

This is an outreach luncheon. Pray and ask the Lord who you should invite. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased online. It will also be possible soon to purchase them at church services.

If you can help put on this luncheon, please contact Janice Ridgeway or Pam Schoeniger 344.2141. Help is needed in these ways:

  • Preparing the food the day before
  • Arriving early and helping in the kitchen before the event begins
  • Helping in the kitchen during the event
  • Decorate a table (and receive a free guest ticket)
  • Sell tickets before and after the weekend church services
  • Setup and decorating
  • Tear down and clean up
  • Registration team at the event
  • Welcome team
  • Donate a door prize
  • Complete craft projects prior to the luncheon for giveaways
  • Decorating planning meeting: Wednesday, April 29 7pm @ ACC
  • Menu and food preparation planning meeting: Monday, May 4, 7 PM @ ACC