Friday, May 01, 2009

National Day of Prayer May 7

When: May 7 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Where: City Church (Minnesota and 100th). We plan to pray on the lawn in front of the church, weather permitting. If the weather is terrible, we can pray in the auditorium. You can bring lawn chairs if it is difficult to stand while you pray.
What to bring: Bring your banners, voices, prayers, scriptures to pray and proclaim
Who: Everyone is invited, not just for City Church members; the entire body of Christ is welcome. This is a time of prayer… not a time of fellowship
How: Prayer Guidelines are available on the National Day of Prayer Website
Please note… this is a time to pray for our churches, city, state and nation… we encourage those who come to pray the Word for these areas. This is not a time for personal ministry or prayers for individual requests.