Sunday, September 20, 2009

Church Fast Sept 21-27

We have a plan to call the church to fast several times each year. At this time we are asking members of Anchorage City Church to fast the week of Sept. 21-27.

We encourage all who can to join with us at the church each evening from 6-7 pm. Child care will be provided. We will break the fast after the noon service on Sunday with a Share-A-Dish soup & salad lunch.

Our prayer focus for this fast is wisdom and direction for outreach into our community; especially outreach to the poor and disenfranchised.

Our prayer points are these:
  1. Hear the voice of God
  2. Provision of the right leadership
  3. Provision of financial resources
  4. Solidifying program specifics
  5. Solution in resolving space issues
  6. Courage to be obedient to God's call
  7. Increase our faith
Here are more details on how and why to fast.