Friday, September 11, 2009

Men's Activities Heat Up for Fall

We're getting in gear for an eventful fall/winter/spring with Men's Events. We want to highlight three for you here. We'll have more info at the Men's Ministry booth at this coming weekend's services.
  • Mens Retreat: Oct 16th-18th at LaVerne Griffin Camp in Wasilla this year. Cost is $100 which includes all meals, snack, meeting rooms, and a warm dry place to sleep. You can sign up on line now at the City Church website. The theme will be regaining vision, facing the battles, and experiencing victory. Contact Jim Lamson at 242-4617 for more info or if you'd like to help with planning.
  • Men's Fraternity Bible Study on Wed nights 7ish to 9ish at ACC. We expect this to start 9/23. It's a systematic Bible study that focuses on issues very relevant to men. Other Anchorage churches have used it for years and men have found it very fruitful. If you'd like to help with planning this, feel free to join us next Wed, 9/16/ at ACC around 6:30pm. Call Jim Lamson 242-4617 or JD Fuller at 351-9154 if you'd like to join us then.
  • Men's Prayer Breakfast continues every Wednesday at ACC. Some of us meet to cook about 5:15am, we shoot to eat about 6am. After eating and sharing what God is saying and doing, we break into small groups for prayer 7ish. Just show up and use the mountain side "back" entrance of the City Church building.